
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog

Programmable logic

Subject Author Replies Last post
sticky FPGA development resources Andreas S. 15
Wifi audio hub Chaminda J. 8
Code VHDL/Verilog Spartan 3E - Solar Panel Freddy S. 2
ws2812 vhdl problem Flat B. 4
Variable clock with prescaler? Mohamed H. 2
How to connect an external FIFO to FPGA Charlie H. 1
fpga soartan 6 io pins are no longer working ahmeddarwish 0
Increase the frequency abdelhak taamouch 2
gpio pull-down demsp 2
$fwrite usage clarification Andrew M. 0
Problem with Writing a SDRAM Controller Mehdi 1
Altera Cyclone IV Internal Memory - ROM: 1-Port Problem Adrian H. 2
pass transistor Dong Wang 29
System Verilog alarm clock Andrew M. 1
pass transistor logic monish 1
SPI slave design idea? Jack BK 25
TCS34725 Basys3 VHDL kimsinki 0
Modifying a PCA955 vhdl code Guest 2
How To Read A SD Card Adrian H. 7
FPGA Algorithms and Applications in the IoT, AI, and High-Performance Computing - Invitation to Edit Daniel N. 0
Sending and receiving somme data within FPGA Mafah M. 4
eye scan (eye diagram) kamal 1
Green/Red detector and button controlled car (BASYS3/VHDL) kilimci 1
VHDL - RTL design references George R. 2
how to do testbench nadirah 5
VGA 640x480 project Adrian H. 9
Neural Network on Xilinx Virtex 5 Electronics_hobbyist E. 9
4 bit ALU variable name question Andrew M. 1
locked VHDL (GHDL): can't have multiple entities in file? Edmund 15
Servomotor. PWM and VHDL Soko Loko 12
Manual Clock Aldemaro G. 0
Comments on: Beitrag "Re: Erfahrung mit SPI Slave und Spartan 6 FPGA?" SparkyT 6
Vhdl time window Luca M. 15
VHDL output signal in hexadecimal instead of binary Guest 3
Duty and phase control clock divider Greg W. 2
cobverting 64 bit to 32 bit. slim_pga 6
Viscometer vhdl Emil Lagrange 2
Matrix Display Josip J. 2
force input in simulation wrong. fuck_modelsim 2
vhdl code to find max value of stream of unsigned 8 bit values Jeevan R. 2
decoder in vhdl dont work in simulation. ee_vhdl 5
Keeping Hierarchy in post-layout simulation using Microsemi designer Daveburton D. 1
Rising and falling edges Bob T. 1
BlocklyVHDL visual VHDL editor Hans 3
Generating SAIF file dayana42200 1
Testing I2C on cyclone 2 board Hareesh M. 12
Quartus II: How to disable most synthesis optimizations options Johannes 0
Verilog help MUHAMMAD FARHAN 1
Barrel Shifter Omar 7
fixed combo logic Bogdan 2
Problem with ultrasonic sensor, Luis Alfredo 1