Hi, I have created a MIF file containing 100 x 16bit values. The values point to a colour palette which contains the RGB values for 10 colours. In Quartus Prime Lite I have used the IP Catalogue to create a ROM: 1-Port file My top Verilog HDL file references the ROM file which when compiled / simulated on the FPGA development board should produce a 10 coloured stripped square (10 x 10 pixels) on the attached monitor. However, all I get is a blue square. Could you please help me with where my code is going wrong. After I compile the design the total memory bits states 4 / 423,936 ( < 1 % ), which I believe is not right for the size of the data I am trying to place in the ROM memory. I have attached the files for my design (in .txt format). Please ignore the 640x480 file name references, it should actually be 800x600
Did you have a suitable testbench? For VGA output a very simple testbench need only a clock signal. It is helpful to simulate a complete frame (around 16.6 to 20 milli seconds). Duke
Many thanks for the reply. I do need to start using a testbench. Looked at it when I first started with FPGA (couple of months ago), but could not really find any good websites to show me how to go about using them in Quartus Prime Lite. Now I have a bit more knowledge about FPGA's it would be really beneficial to get my head round it. Meanwhile. I have amended my top module to; `timescale 1ns / 1ps module VGA640x480(clk, reset, red, green, blue, vsync,hsync); input clk,reset; output vsync,hsync; output reg [4:0] red; output reg [5:0] green; output reg [4:0] blue; reg [10:0] AH_SIZE=50; reg axdir=1; reg aydir=1; //------------------------------- // Load Spriterom from Internal // Memory ROM: 1-Port //------------------------------- reg [6:0] address; wire [15:0] q; Spriterom u1( address, clk, q); initial address=0; //------------------------------- // VGA 800x600 Horizontal Values //------------------------------- parameter HTOTAL=1040; parameter HZSYNC=120; parameter HBACK_PORCH=64; parameter HACTIVE=800; parameter HFRONT_PORCH=56; reg [10:0] H_SCAN; reg HPOLARITY; //----------------------------- // VGA 800x600 Vertical Values //----------------------------- parameter VTOTAL=666; parameter VTSYNC=6; parameter VBACK_PORCH=23; parameter VACTIVE=600; parameter VFRONT_PORCH=37; reg [10:0] V_SCAN; reg VPOLARITY; //----------------------------- // Load palette reg [15:0] pal_memory [0:29]; //16 bits wide: 3 (R G B) x 10 colours = 30 initial $readmemh("Pal.txt", pal_memory); //----------------------------- // Horizontal Timings //----------------------------- always@(posedge clk) begin //Horizontal Sync if(H_SCAN < HZSYNC) HPOLARITY <= 0; else HPOLARITY <= 1; //End of line if(H_SCAN == HTOTAL) H_SCAN <= 0; else H_SCAN <= H_SCAN + 1'b1; end assign hsync = HPOLARITY; //----------------------------- // Vertical Timings //----------------------------- always@(posedge clk) begin //Vertical Sync if(V_SCAN < VTSYNC) VPOLARITY <= 0; else VPOLARITY <= 1; //Bottom of screen if(H_SCAN == HZSYNC + HBACK_PORCH + HACTIVE) if(V_SCAN == VTOTAL) V_SCAN <= 0; else V_SCAN <= V_SCAN + 1; end assign vsync = VPOLARITY; always@(posedge clk) begin if((H_SCAN > HZSYNC+HBACK_PORCH) && (V_SCAN > VTSYNC+VBACK_PORCH) && (H_SCAN < HZSYNC+HBACK_PORCH+HACTIVE+1) && (V_SCAN < VTSYNC+VBACK_PORCH+VACTIVE+1)) begin if((H_SCAN > HZSYNC+HBACK_PORCH+100) && (V_SCAN > VTSYNC+VBACK_PORCH+50) && (H_SCAN < HZSYNC+HBACK_PORCH+110+1) && (V_SCAN < VTSYNC+VBACK_PORCH+60+1)) begin red <= pal_memory[q*3]>>3; green <= pal_memory[(q*3)+1]>>2; blue <= pal_memory[(q*3)+2]>>3; address <= address + 1; if(address == 100) address<=0; end else if((H_SCAN > HZSYNC+HBACK_PORCH+100) && (V_SCAN > VTSYNC+VBACK_PORCH+70) && (H_SCAN < HZSYNC+HBACK_PORCH+110+1) && (V_SCAN < VTSYNC+VBACK_PORCH+80+1)) begin red <= 0; green <= 255>>2; blue <= 0; end else begin red <= 0; green <= 0; blue <= 0; end end else begin red <= 0; green <= 0; blue <= 0; end end endmodule This draws a coloured square on the VGA monitor but the image is rolling to the right quite quickly (within the 10x10 pixel area). I have also added a green square below this as a comparison (both squares are the same size). The rolling square appears to only have 3 or 4 colours. I have initially set address = 0, as the first value is at address 0 (0 to 99).
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