Could anyone help me with how to read a SD card. My development board can be seen here: except my FPGA chip is a EP4CE10F17C8N I would like to read hex data from the SD card (Example: 03 09 0C). I can program the FPGA (in Verilog) to output to a VGA monitor (800x600 resolution) a 16 colour VGA image which is stored in a .txt file (something like 80x100 pixels). However, if I try to "Compile Design" in verilog a full screen image (800x600) this takes such a long time. Therefore, I would like to store a background image (800x600 pixels) on a SD card and get the FPGA to read the SD card and output the RGB values to a VGA monitor (the format of the background file will be that the value of each pixel in the file will be a pointer to a colour palette). If anyone could help me with reading a SD card, that would be brilliant.
If this helps, I am using the following code to load my data file; output reg [4:0] red; output reg [5:0] green; output reg [4:0] blue; reg [15:0] my_memory [0:7371]; //16 bits wide: 76 x 97 pixels = 7372 initial $readmemh("Data.txt", my_memory); integer j; Integer j is used later to retrieve the data from RAM to output the colour palette to a VGA monitor; if(my_memory[j] == 7) begin red <= 5'b10100; green <= 6'b110000; blue <= 5'b11000; end
Adrian H. wrote: > readmemh readmemh works only for simulation and sometimes for the initialisation of RAM content (depends on the vendor/tool combination). To access a SD-card you need an SPI master and a state machine (or CPU) which handle the SD-card protocol. Duke
Using readmemh works fine when I program the FPGA development board using Quartus Prime Lite Edition version 18.1. Could you be a bit more specific regarding why readnenh works only for simulation and sometimes for the initialisation of RAM content (depends on the vendor/tool combination). The SPI master and a state machine (or CPU) method to read a SD card appears to be to advanced for me. However, if anyone has any code I would like to give it a go. I have also come across another way to load a text file or an image file into a FPGA. This is to initialize it as the initial values of the block memory: use Mega-Function in the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager in Quartus II to initialize a block memory with the text file or image-converted binary text file in the MIF format. Does anyone have any thoughts on this method and if this way would take less time to "Compile Design".
Adrian H. wrote: > Using readmemh works fine when I program the FPGA development board > using Quartus Prime Lite Edition version 18.1. You can program your FPGA with readmemh from hard disk? RLY? Adrian H. wrote: > reg [15:0] my_memory [0:7371]; > initial $readmemh("Data.txt", my_memory); This is the initialisation of RAM (my_memory). If this work in Quartus than your tool support this way of initialisation and everything is fine. Adrian H. wrote: > I have also come across another way to load a text file or an image file > into a FPGA. This is to initialize it as the initial values of the block > memory: > use Mega-Function in the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager in Quartus II to > initialize a block memory with the text file or image-converted binary > text file in the MIF format. Does anyone have any thoughts on this > method and if this way would take less time to "Compile Design". This is an alternativ tool dependend way to update your memory content. I would not expect much faster compile times, but just give it a try. Adrian H. wrote: > If anyone could help me with reading a SD card, that would be brilliant. At first just search how the microcontroller guys do SD-card access, to see how it works. Duke
Many thanks for your reply, it is very much appreciated. In the documentation that came with my development board it states: From JTAG download SOF file to FPGA chip,or download jic file to SPI FLASH M25P64 or EPCS 64 save FPGA program. Being a newbie to FPGA, could you please advise if i am understanding the following correctly; 1. From JTAG download SOF file to FPGA chip I have the FPGA connected to my laptop via the JTAG / USB Blaster and i am programming the volatile memory (with a sof file) on the board using Quartus Prime. After a hard reset of the board the FPGA requires re-programming. What method do you call this (eg. simulation etc.) Could you try to explain the other 2 methods to program the FPGA; 2. Download jic file to SPI FLASH M25P64 3. EPCS 64 save FPGA program I think i understand item 1 above and have an understanding that the FPGA can also be programmed using POF files (for flash devices). Am i getting confused with what i am trying to achieve: Programming the FPGA using a sof file which reads a raw data file from my laptops hardrive to produce 800x600 super VGA image takes a long time to compile the code for programming. Therefore, my approach was to store the raw data file on a SD card (accessible by the FPGA) to save compiling time prior to programming. Or, is a better approach to have all my code on a SD card and when the FPGA is powered up (with the SD card inserted) it boots / programs from the card (no laptop connected). I am also thinking that the development board i have does not have documentation suitable for a beginner to FPGA. I know this is going off the subject, but do you have any suggestions on a particular board that has good documentation and preferably well documented on the internet (example code). Sorry for the long reply.
Ok, still struggling to even get started with this. I have tried: Can follow this until trying to add the SD Card Interface. This does not even show up, all I can see under Universal Program: Memory: is SRAM Controller and SSRAM Controller. A search also shows nothing. Does anyone have any ideas (I have NIOS II 18.1 installed) or links to a website that may help. Many thanks,
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