
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog

Programmable logic

Subject Author Replies Last post
sticky FPGA development resources Andreas S. 15
Instantiating signals from the ARCHITECTURE in the test bench FC LOPEZ 9
std_logic_vector to unsigned/signed conversion Gabriel Lozano 5
Top Entity--D flip flop and Counter Fahim Khan 2
Daisy-chainable communication Schnitzgi 9
I need help with a VHDL average calculator (sum contains 10 products) Henk Haring 2
entity, end of the declaration Marco 2
concurrent event signals mansoor sharifi 9
Network On Chip mansoor sharifi 2
ethernet sgmii Kadiyam N. 0
Acquiring data from files eduardo melara 1
Testbench of d flip flop Fahim Khan 10
Process and list sensitivity mansoor sharifi 3
Starter board : Digilent Digilab XLA FPGA Development Board XLA3 Mem Maakers 2
VHDL - Johnson Counter - Simulation Output with 'U's burami santics 5
independent process list mansoor sharifi 3
Error: Not enough of logic cells. Daisy-Cat 8
Traffic light controller SJ Oh 2
how to calculate delay.pls help Dileep L. 2
Multi-source eduardo melara 8
Generic component inside generic component Eduardo 5
8bits to 7segments decoder werner 3
Developing a control architecture on the Zynq 7000. Recommended books? Steel Neuron 1
Spartan 3 Digital Clock Manager Vlad Krylov 3
[begginer issue] Read and Write to txt files Charalampos Orfanidis 2
Board recommendation for scientific computing Mem Maakers 5
VHDL Code For Alcohol Meter vlkntkl 2
FSM with two clock? sigit kurniawan 4
Why on Simulation the result is not what is expected? Dariush H. 6
help with an error Thomas Turner 6
Interrupt handling with VHDL vikram bashyam 15
Verilog Case : don't care Jag 8
Error in simple code tino tino 2
Problem with master-slave latch (VHDL) Franz Hansel 3
Assigning constants on ports during component instantiation Mayank Srivastava 3
ad7896 vhdl interfacing etai 3
Spartran 3E fpga sophie lamem 2
Arithmetic shift and signed multiplier dt 0
Dual operation with single clock Sivaprasad KUNDURU 4
ERROR:HDLParsers:3014 deepak singh 0
VHDL Processes & Sensitivity Lists Brian Sutin 6
help with 4 bit 2 to 1 MUX mike mr 5
Regarding FFT v5.0 pipeline streaming varun maheshwari 5
how to start programming for this baddy s. 12
level sensitive timing control neha s. 2
32x6RAM error code mike mr 11
8 bit Arithmetic Logic Unit neha s. 3
synchronous counter using jk flipflop neha s. 5
Multiplexing Problem Calum MacLeod 2
who is familiar with partial reconfiguration of fpgas? deepak singh 23
blockinterleaver charantej peteti 0
4 bit adder in ghdl Fahim Khan 6