
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog

Programmable logic

Subject Author Replies Last post
sticky FPGA development resources Andreas S. 15
FPGA: i get a different answer in modelsim and in device Amine Amine 1
FPGA: Artix 7 VS Virtex 5 Amine Amine 2
Large arrays Saltwater 4
LED intensity Oer Pdw 5
Learning VHDL beyond basics Johan 1
IEEE 1800 SystemVerilog LRM Jack 1
help regarding UART Xilinx IP Ananya Devraj 4
Multi Cycle VHDL Code Cemal Unal 3
generate random bit function Mike 1
Counter Design with D Flip-Flop Cemal Unal 3
Generalize the module in verilog Muhammad Awais 1
synthesis translate_off / on Faras 1
How to generate one pulse from a button OnePulse 2
verilog/vhdl code for programmable parallel to serial converter anjali komalapati 16
Memory issues Compstomp 0
Using PLL on FPGAs Mit R. 1
New Picoblaze IDE - suggestions Erik Chalupa 1
Serial ports Leiser Hartbeck 6
Verilog clock divider 50 MHz to 1 MHz Daniel 6
Please help I am stuck. Nikhil Rai 2
Finetuning dac Astudentofminewhowasalittlepiggie 13
CIC filter decimator on VHDL Dmtry Karlin 3
Design and Implementation of a PS/2 Receiver Stevo 3
Improving my code! Enrique Perez 10
need help in counter code Basim Sheikh 3
Polyphase filter decimator on VHDL Dmtry Karlin 17
Implementing the game Breakout in Verilog Jacob Culleny 2
Keyboard PS/2 Door Lock - Basys 2 Ariel Coba 1
Interface AD7655 with FPGA using VHDL jeorges FrenchRivera 3
Seven Segment Display design with 2 4-1 MUXes Keith F. 1
One bit for status Raju 1
SATA controller program execution Sunayana C. 3
How to write vectors in VHDL John Smith 1
Upsampling of a received signal from UART Roger Swan 2
Syntax Help with Project Annon 2
fpga vhdl serial read operation Kumar 2
Someone please help me about it (!) 16x1 mux More actuals found than formals in port map Yusuf Yılmaz 1
FIR Filter Sampling Frequency Roger Swan 4
Can I get this to work in Verilog Astudentofminewhowasalittlepiggie 5
XILINX XC3S50AN: Can't program internal Flash Oerg866 5
VHDL signal assigment MohseN 4
sequential multiplier code for datapath and control sequence Tahir 1
ceil and log2 functions Matt 1
UART communication through Nexys 3 Roger Swan 7
Goertzel Algorithm in Verilog / Frequency Recognition Nikita Gusev 9
VHDL fill rest of the vector in assignment Václav 4
Port Map Errors Jay JA 2
High speed FPGA design Silver 2
Need help with Verilog project idea Amin 1
Altera Cyclone 3/4 DDR2 Sample Design [emi_ddr2_ciii.zip] Antony Mathew 3
VHDL process issue : double execution Sacha 17