Hello, I got an assignment to make LED lights change intensity, by
switching 4 switches on pegasus board. I got some code but I don't think
it's good. Can you check it or improve it? Thanks
1 | library ieee;
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 | use ieee.numeric_std.all;
4 |
5 | entity PWM is
6 | generic
7 | (
8 | sd : unsigned(11 downto 0) := X"C35" -- 3125 in hex
9 | );
10 | port
11 | (
12 | clock : in std_logic;
13 | switches : in unsigned(3 downto 0);
14 | pwm : out std_logic
15 | );
16 | end PWM;
17 |
18 | architecture behave_PWM of PWM is
19 | signal counter : unsigned(15 downto 0);
20 |
21 | begin -- architecture
22 | pwm_proc: process (clock)
23 | begin
24 | if (counter <= switches*sd) then
25 | pwm <= '1';
26 | else
27 | pwm <= '0';
28 | end if;
29 |
30 | if (counter >= 50000) then
31 | counter <= (others => '0');
32 | else
33 | counter <= counter + 1;
34 | end if;
35 | end process;
36 |
37 | end behave_PWM;