Hi All, I have 4 registers (for Address, Data_to_be_read, Data_to_be_written & Control) in a serial RX block. This will be accessed by another Serial Tx Master device, it accesses the address register, if control is read=1, goes to that address and read the data from that address and copies it to Data_to_be_read register. If the control is write=1, it reads the address from Address register, copies data from Data_to_be_written register and writes it on to the address location. Now my problem is if i use 1 bit for control register '1' for read and '0' for write, it may start reading at correct times, but keeps on writing all the time when the bit is '0' . (end of reading not necessarily mean writing) (however if i use two separate 1 bit lines for read and write, i can use pulse in those leans to decode when to start reading and when to start writing). Is it possible to use 1 bit for control and still start the reading operation and writing operation. Thank you,
See it that way: you can read every address randomly at every time. But you only should write stable data to a valid address. So the default of that flag must be: Read. One problem may occur, when you try to read registers that implicitly write something. For example when you read a interrupt register, and that read itself resets the interrupt request (as it is in some uC).
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