
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics

Everything about digital electronics, microcontrollers and -processors — ARM, AVR, MSP430, PIC, 8051, ...

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Subject Author Replies Last post
oscilloscope gould 5000 dario 0
Does anybody know this microcontroller ? Vincent H. 12
connected DIN MIDI Out cable disturbs encoder Lutz 8
Question for uC programmers who write with 10 fingers Swies 9
Thermal print head for a parking management system based on Raspberry Pi pico and HMI Cliff W. 1
Raspberry Pi pico can not download other programs Cliff W. 0
Strain gauge based on Arduino Cliff W. 1
Arduino RFID Card Reader connecting with Processing Anna Angold 1
ESP-07 AT commands not working, programming works though Peter K. 15
HMI Protocol for CAN BUS Annika 11
How to solve the AVR microcontroller fuse bit lock-up problem Cliff W. 9
Siemens TBB206G CMOS PLL synthesizer integrated circuit Dang Huynh 5
Intelligent access control based on ESP32 Cliff W. 0
PIC16F84 + minipro/linux (+ gpasm) lash 1
ESP32+WLED / no LED control Stev 0
STM32H7 bank swap break at address 0x81006fe Fabian 2
What is the difference between IAR for 8051 and IAR for ARM? Cliff W. 2
How to use PWM Cliff W. 4
328 transistor tester code Anon 0
polarity-aware header for pin definitions Bernd K. 3
BT module RRD-305 (QCC 3005): any config info? Josef 1
Programming the ESP32 with the Arduino IDE Cliff W. 6
Weact Blue Pill + GD32F303 Konrad 0
Ardu Tester with Uno board Eb W. 1
Data section exceeds available space in board Cliff W. 10
How to understand "divide two 16 bits number in 8051 microcontroller"? Lernend B. 2
paperd.ink - open-source e-paper development board Prasad 1
Uno R3 as USB HID device/ Firmware update Matt W. 0
CAN Frame timing network Priya M. 2
Help with identifying IC Max S. 1
Interface of external ADC with Arduino UNO(avr atmega328)./ (ADC's TWI adress not found) Matt 4
Tiny & fast tracer code for embedded device real-time PC logging (trace visualization) Thomas H. 0
ComponentTester-1.42m - compilation problem Peter 1
Upload code to atmega328p Lernend B. 4
Relay circuit not working? Daniel Sticker 5
configure INTA and INTB on MCP23017 using cmd call i2cset Tbd 8
ATmega328 + ESP-01s low power brainstorm Gachl 3
Help me with my code John Welo 7
Hello Everyone and the Toshiba T2295A Chip David B. 8
STM32 Timer multiple compare values with DMA energetic 0
Problems with ESP8266, IRF510N and circuitboards Sanevent 36
Stabilock 4031 Borda A. 3
FUJITSU/CYPRESS MB91F467C not programmable Peter Zimmermann 1
RFID MFRC522 with PIC18 Leonardo A. 0
LCD replacement for GM328a Javier G. 5
DS1307 SQWO wrong frequency Kristian S. 2
PCB w/ ESP8266 NodeMCU - Multiple SPI modules not working Ed S. 10
Switching Power Adapter If G. 3
Audio codec, weird helicopter sound, potential data error. (WM8731) botoxparty 0
Battery Charging Circuit (2A) If G. 2
RFID 125kHZ HTRC110 & PIC Slash M. 2