
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics

Everything about digital electronics, microcontrollers and -processors — ARM, AVR, MSP430, PIC, 8051, ...

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Subject Author Replies Last post
CodeVision AVR problem Real M. 2
identify the µC of a LCU? Michael B. 1
The use of the diode in this circuit Alex 7
LED controlling protocol like WS2812 for more colors Shum1962 4
Pulse generation Lê Q. 7
locked Dim LED and bicycle light John C. 1
IEE1901 adapter for connection of a network camera via koax ThomasR 1
Search for best processor long term data logging Dirk 28
locked _delay_ms() not providing a proper delay Echotwozero 12
reading BH1750 lightsensor with Atmega328P using i2c /TWI Sebastian 9
How to adjust WiFi-channel for ESP-NOW Stefan 2
Ch55xduino, Arduino development package for ch55x dsun 11
MPPT Charger - Buy or DIY ? Markus W. 3
Speed Control in Dc Motor with Tachometer Indicator on Nextion Screen Berkay T. 0
Touch Calculator with Only Nextion Display without Using Arduino Berkay T. 0
16-bit Bitmap file James 4
SGP30 - I2C communication fails SGP30 - I2C communication fails 0
Sprint Optima SMS (Data I/O) Sprint Optima help needed 2
Supply microcontroller from switching buck-converter unsing battery power VV V. 3
sharp s202s02 as LED switch/controller tom holzwurm 0
q'n'd corona lathe decolleteur 2
Battery supply for microcontroller CC2652R1 VV V. 10
Atmega32U16 - PWM - No output LustigerGeselle 2
M-Bus via Raspberry: reading out ABB B23 meter Moadl 4
STM32 Changing PWM Duty Cycle in interrupt handler André V. 8
xc32 static stack analyzer Little B. 0
Embedded Online Conference Voucher Stephane 0
TWI (i2c) on Atmel atiny204/404/804 Achim Meyer 2
Error in tester Mina Mamdouh Zaraa F. 0
Experiences with IC-HO by IC-Haus? Luftstrom 0
P3 RGB 32x64 LED Matrix Display problem - p3-6432-2121-16s Benjamin S. 2
Arduino Project: FrSky S.Port (Smart.Port) data transfer with Beetle ATMEGA23u4 via softwareserial Arno Waldmann 3
1G1B smd code Rana Farhan 1
JDY-16 slave suddenly switches to echo mode Rudi Hofer 1
XBEE3 Home Automation Jens R. 0
GM328 transistor tester MCU firmware update John M. 3
ESP32: 'Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled' caused Dennis M. 4
Power supply Syntronic PS 1010 Bucico B. 0
HP 8591EM revival Michael H. 0
ESP8266 RGB LED Strip Controller rjhllr 4
problems importing rx tx components into uart Rock B. 0
Image sensor. high data rate madcookie 4
Magic Pixel MP630 Datasheet or SDK Miles R. 0
Current value Measured differs form the data sheet value in Low Power Sleep Mode for STM32L433Rc-p Jojo varghese 0
SerialComInstruments Stephen A. 4
Wordclock stopped working Sasa D. 1
Safety and security requirements? Rob T. 3
Non-Restoring Division Algorithm for Signed Magnitude Ali M. 0
AD4001 ADC measurement configuration Codemonkey 2
Transistor tester Michael W. 2