
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics

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Filter: ARM AVR AVB [none]

Subject Author Replies Last post
[AVB] Linking of Virtual Alsa Device with Actual Sound card Sachin Deshmukh 0
AVB propogation delay Mike 0
AVB Controller entity ID RICHARD FOSS 2
monitoring AVB traffic avnish aggarwal 0
AVB in Pro Tools 12, Intel I201T1 nic Keoki 1
Open source software only implementation of AVB Vinod Tadvai 0
Query on DSP4YOU AVB switch. Hrusikesh Padhy 0
Ethernet AVB stack Shiek Mohammed 1
Tools required for testing and debugging AVB Sridhar 1
AVB media clock synchronization for audio Andreas S. 1
AVB resources Andreas S. 0