
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics

Everything about digital electronics, microcontrollers and -processors — ARM, AVR, MSP430, PIC, 8051, ...

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Subject Author Replies Last post
H-jtag not programming lpc2478 Reza U. 0
STM32F103 math package Rudi D. 18
how to flash/ update STM32 S76G firmware Variomaster 1
STM32F407 software trigger a one pulse timer using HAL Masoud B. 5
STM32F4 Discovery Board: Functions calling in Atollic TrueStudio Yannick S. 6
LPC2148 I2C I2xSCH timing problem Markus29111977 17
STM32 ADC & DMA corrupted Values Rebell 7
STM32H7 bank swap break at address 0x81006fe Fabian 2
What is the difference between IAR for 8051 and IAR for ARM? Cliff W. 2
STM32 Timer multiple compare values with DMA energetic 0
STM32 Changing PWM Duty Cycle in interrupt handler André V. 8
Current value Measured differs form the data sheet value in Low Power Sleep Mode for STM32L433Rc-p Jojo varghese 0
STM32F1xx: Injected simultanous ADC doesn't work hochsitzcola 0
STM32 Virtual COM Port driver sengp 8
SWD for STM32F4VGT6 Rafael Bachmann 1
Circuit for STM32F401RDTx [ARM] Rafael Bachmann 5
STM32H7 real-time data tracing via SWD not working Solocan Z. 1
USB Host CDC connection (to Surf Stick) on a frdmk64F (Cortex M4) Bastian S. 0
QSPI - STM32F7 Petr Klaun 15
Program STM32 Board with a GUI in Matlab Simulink EMVA 0
Designing a Digital Tuner for Electric Guitars by Using STM32F4 Ada Lee 2
st link v2 with non-arm devices udude 1
Free STM32 hardware on the SPS in Nuremberg Alexander 0
reading 24bit with I2S on nucleo stm32f411re Mike 0
STM32F407 SPI reads wrong data Mirko 1
STM32F303 Discovery: SPI basics Harald 1
LPC1768 Set GPIO using EMAC Prakash Rajolli 9
STM32F0 and 1Mbit EEprom Jens Wörmann 0
STM32F03x - SPI via DMA -missing CLK on MISO Jens 0
STM32F407 TIM5 external Clock/ ChibiOS Christina H. 1
STM32F429 DMA2D bilinear bitmap resize Alessandro 0
Arm STM32F0 Discovery PORT C Problem PeterP 2
STM32F0 Discovery Port C Pin 1 and Pin 2 problem PeterP 0
GPIO Ports on Keil MCB1800 with LPC1857 andreas_mue 0
LPC 2129 PWM problem Anand Bhavikatti 1
LPC ISP flash utility: mxli-3 Marc P. 0
STM32F1xx EXTI problem to trigger interrupt by SWIER Gernot 0
Reset on LPC1768 Prakash Rajolli 7
STM32F0 ADC input noise investigations whitespace 2
STM32F429 Discovery Sega Master System emulator Alessandro 2
[STM32] Crossreference ChipID - Device (EN / DE) Albert F. 0
LPC1768 MCPWM as a normal PWM output Miller 0
Microcontroller (AT91SAM7A3) only crashes when not running with gdb Jan Bolting 3
Atomic write - STM32 Lasse S. 2
how can I read protect my STM32F4 with eclipse + openOCD JTAG ? magnetron 1
i2c strange behavior on lpc2148 Gossamer 0
STR911 ADC analog watchdog Pedro 0
eLua on STM32F4discovery Thomas M. 2
ChibiOS on the STM32F4-Discovery Ale 2
STM32F4xx: running code from ram Lauren 7