
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics Upload code to atmega328p

von Lernend B. (Company: KUKE Electronics CO., Limited) (lernend05)

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I want to design atmega328p (referenced data source: 
on PCB...
One method to upload code is using Arduino Uno. If I disconnect the 
wires from arduino uno side but left them in atmega328p side, will be 
there any problem such as open circuit because of wires?
My idea is to solder the wires in PCB and when I need to upload code or 
monitor data I connect these wires to arduino uno.
Is there anyone have ideas of it?

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von MaWin (Guest)

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Lernend B. wrote:
> uno side but left them in atmega328p side, will be there any problem
> such as open circuit because of wires

No, but your ATmega328 needs to be preprogrammed with the Arduino 
bootloader, so either pulled off an arduino board or programmed with the 
bootloader code using some other method, like the native MISO, MOSI, 
SCLK, RESET Interface. And if you can program an ATmega328 using this 
method, why not use it for the real program and skip the Arduino 

von stefanus (Guest)

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Open wires have an impact if you use the same I/O pins for other 
communication, e.g. a display with SPI interface. It depends on the 
length of wires and the amount of radio waves in the area.

For development phase on the desktop this is usually no problem, 
specially if the wires are as short as 30cm .

von stefanus (Guest)

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The I²C is much more affected because is has weaker pull-up resistors 
compared to the active HIGH level driven by I/O pins. But even I²C does 
usually work fine with short open wires.

von Banana (Guest)

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ISPC - In Circuit Serial Programming is meant for exactly that.

Arduinos for example are build that way, these connections stay after 

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