
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog

Programmable logic

Subject Author Replies Last post
sticky FPGA development resources Andreas S. 15
Measuring of time of execution on ZED board, in Vivado Sai Shashi 1
HELP! Error messages in Quartus! "Can't infer register" Afkar Osman 3
DMA with AXI lite interfaces Sai Shashi 2
Problems Compiling in ModelSim Afkar Osman 2
FPGA Nexys 2 Spartan 3E Timer with buzzer Katja 2
USB Data Treatment VHDL Alex Gainza 5
Clock manipulations without DCM Mark Hubner 1
XBEE Explorer RS232 to Basys3 Xabier Gandiaga 1
Basic Codes to display on LCD of Altera DE2 Board Afkar Osman 7
Simple clock counter says it cant be synthesized (vhdl) Crim 3
LED intensity change by press LED intensity change by press 6
vhdl code for ram does not simulate SIDHANT SAXENA 2
Xilinx FPGA and board selection help Ravi Kumar 0
vhdl arrays- index felix 2
CAN controller implementation using FPGA CJU 11
VHDL process with Sync. & Async. Reset St. D. 4
How to perform division of two Q15 values in Verilog , with out using '/' (division) Operator? Mog4kor Kumar 5
i got a problem krishna raj 4
Implementing VHDL FSM in Quartus with “couldn't implement registers for assignments" freq_met Rafal Och 1
I2C ACK bit Verification on Spartan 3-E Spartan_Newbie 3
Simple program Kam Smith 3
VGA signal generation Nikolay 4
Matrix creation in VHDL martin49 1
ADC application with Spartan 3E Nirav Bhatt 1
biphasic waveform Bose Chandran 4
Search for automotive FPGA or CPLD for OSD J. Hebeler 6
Debugging with the J-Link Debugger and a CycloneV SoC Michael Fischer 0
Signals are not getting U value Tammy 3
Error in my program ayr 5
Digital IC Design with VHDL Ho Oanh 5
Need help with Simon(game) VHDL code Xabier Gandiaga 11
Code for my project Sukhmani Kaur 4
Modelsim simulation OK but FPGA implementation incorrect!! Omar 8
executing optical sensors with vhdl Kobi 1
Multiple Driver Nets _segmento{OBUF[0] ricardo 8
delayed copy of an asynchronous signal in Spartan 6 Mo Zangeneh 2
read/write from dual port ram Uzair Memon 1
Adding Buffer to input Uzair Memon 1
File system in VHDL Christin Kimeri 4
Real-time data acquisition Assuero Savio 4
Resetting Registers on Digital Clock Manager Output Ahmed Abbasi 3
PS2 Keyboard and RAM block interaction Verilog Sarah 1
VHDL Code for 'String Parsing' circuit Omar 4
Ethernetlite Sandhya Narasimhaiah 6
BEL constrain error Raza 1
need a little help using pmod ssd Abhishek Singh 4
Help with the RTC-8564 in ZC702 evaluation board of xilinx flote 2
Can't debug MicroBlaze (EDK 14.6) Nohchi Vu 2
FPGA vs ASIC - CDC Fpga Rookie 5