

von Kenzo K. (id91)

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Hi every one.

I'm using altera MAX10M08SAU169C8G FPGA.
My design code has already used 80% of logic cell available in the FPGA 
(total logic cells 8064).

Is anybody know how to use RAM blocks, instead of logic cell registers?
Otherwise how can put some logic elements in FPGA RAM block?


von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Kenzo K. wrote:
> Is anybody know how to use RAM blocks, instead of logic cell registers?
1. Usually in the synthesizers users guide you can find hints how to 
write HDL code to infer RAM blocks.
2. You also can infer RAM blocks manually. Then you get a less portable 
design, but you have more control over the implementation.

Kenzo K. wrote:
> My design code has already used 80% of logic cell available in the FPGA
And why do you expect to turn down this value by using RAM blocks?

: Edited by Moderator
von Kenzo K. (id91)

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> And why do you expect to turn down this value by using RAM blocks?

Because I would like to implement an algorithm in my FPGA that also 
consumed a lot of logic cells .
So I am wondering if it is possible to put some logic cells in RAM 

In quartus tool it said  to Use the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager (Tools 
menu) or appropriately coded Hardware Description Language to implement 
a function in a RAM block. But I am not sure if it is the good approach.

von Kenzo K. (id91)

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Is there any option in quartus II to do that.?


von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Kenzo K. wrote:
> Use the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager (Tools menu) or appropriately coded
> Hardware Description Language to implement a function in a RAM block.
> But I am not sure if it is the good approach.
You have only those two. You must choose one of them.
I would try the second first. Then it's more easy to simulate the 

: Edited by Moderator
von P. K. (pek)

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I had the same issue on a Max10 device recently, too. Even if running 
out of logic cells, Quartus refused to implement the inferred memory in 
block ram saying it was to small and will not infer RAM blocks.

So you have force the tool to use block memory when inferring only small 
memories. I did the following:

  attribute ramstyle          : string;
  attribute ramstyle of RamxD : signal is "M9K";

I know that "M9K" is not very portable, may be "M-RAM" should do, but I 
didn't test this so far.


: Edited by User
von Svenska (Guest)

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Generally, inferring block memories depends on the toolchain. A good 
reference is available at 

There is no universal way, sadly.

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