
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog need a little help using pmod ssd

von Abhishek S. (axelabhi)

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SO i am making a ping pong game in vhdl.The game is working fine but the 
i have to show the scores on seven segment display using pmod ssd. Since 
pmod ssd allows only one of the two seven segment display to be lite at 
a time i have to adjust the clock cycle such that we perceive both the 
display to be lite all the time. i am using two different states for 
each display and switching between them but it is not working very well 
because either just one is lite or the other one is two dim or the 
transistion between them is visible.The system clock has 100Mhz 
frequency please help me.This is a small part of supposedly bigger 
project and i do not ask you to help me write the code.please help,just 
point me in the right direction.

von Klakx (Guest)

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why not simply clock the c pin?
in vhdl:
if rising_edge(clk) then
  if reset=0 then
     pin_c <= '0';
     pin_c <= not pin_c;
  end if;
end if;
end process;

you can change the clock to reduce the toggle rate or use can use 
enables and Counters if it is too fast.

von Abhishek S. (axelabhi)

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My question is what  should be the frequency of clock so it appears that 
both the segment are on.Correct me if I am wrong but if the switching 
between the segments is too fast we will perceive that both of them are 

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Abhishek S. wrote:
> Correct me if I am wrong but if the switching between the segments is
> too fast we will perceive that both of them are off.
You are wrong. Try it.
If you switch on every segment half the time then it will light up with 
half the "normal" brightness. And that's mostly regardless to the 
switching frequency. If it is too low (less than 100 Hz) then you will 
see flicker. If it's to fast (more than hundreds of KHz) then maybe the 
drivers are too slow and you will see ghosting.
The whole thing is called "multiplexing".

A hint: start with a frequency of about 200Hz.

: Edited by Moderator
von Abhishek S. (axelabhi)

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Thanks Lothar Miller,I used clock frequency of about 375hz and it works 
like a charm.

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