
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog delayed copy of an asynchronous signal in Spartan 6

von Mo Z. (Company: Shore Western Manufacturing) (zangeneh)

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I have an asynchronous non-periodic signal in Spartan 6 and I would like 
to have a delayed copy of it (10 ns delay). And I would prefer not to 
use iodelay2 element. What are the possible implementations in Verilog 
for me?


von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Mo Z. wrote:
> an asynchronous non-periodic signal in Spartan 6 and I would like to
> have a delayed copy of it (10 ns delay). And I would prefer not to use
> iodelay2 element.
A signal inside the FPGA cannot use an input-output delay...

> What are the possible implementations in Verilog for me?
For the implementation and use of components see the Synthesizers User 
Guide. For Xilinx synthesizer this is the "XST User Guide". In there you 
can find how to describe components in VHDL/Verilog to get the FPGA 
hardware invoked.

von Mo Z. (Company: Shore Western Manufacturing) (zangeneh)

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Here's the situation:

I need to implement the FIFO buffer of a 16-bit ADC system. Since the 
external SRAM data line is 8-bit architecture, I was thinking that I 
could divide the 16-bit output into 2 8-bit registers and store them 
separately. Here's some part of the code for buffering:

always @(negedge ADC_EOC)

        SRAM_A <= {Q1_7, Q1_6, Q1_5, Q1_4, Q1_3, Q1_2, Q1_1, Q1_0}; 
// SRAM address line for 8-bit MSB
        SRAM_WR = 1;                                       // 
de-asserting SRAM write command
        LBD <= ADC_REGA;                              // pushing the 
8-bit MSB into SRAM data line

delay #
         SRAM_A <= {Q2_7, Q2_6, Q2_5, Q2_4, Q2_3, Q2_2, Q2_1, Q2_0}; 
// SRAM address line for 8-bit LSB
         SRAM_WR = 1;                                       // 
de-asserting SRAM write command
         LBD <= ADC_REGB;                              // pushing the 
8-bit LSB into SRAM data line

at the negative edge of  ADC_EOC, I have all the 16-bit ADC output ready 
to process. I have already sampled the 16 bits in 2 separate registers 
(ADC_REGA, ADC_REGB). I would like to place them separately on the SRAM 
data line (LBD). I'm also using 2 separate counters (Qi_j keeps track of 
the address separately) for SRAM address line (SRAM_A). I was thinking I 
could use a delay # command and do the whole process separately.


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