I am designing a VHDL combinational block that takes in a list of 8
ASCII characters as input and replaces the non-numeral characters with a
dash '-', then rearranges the list to have the numerals on one side and
'-'s on the other.
Example input and output:
Input: d126r24! Output: ---12246
Here's my source code:
1 | library ieee;
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 | use ieee.numeric_std.all;
4 |
5 | entity module1 is
6 | port (list1: IN string (1 to 8);
7 | list2: OUT string (1 to 8));
8 | end entity;
9 |
10 | architecture behavior of module1 is
11 | signal temp: string (1 to 8);
12 |
13 | begin
14 |
15 | process (list1)
16 | variable a: integer:= 1;
17 | variable b: integer:= 8;
18 | variable c: string (1 to 8);
19 | begin
20 |
21 | for i in 1 to 8 loop
22 | if ((list1(i) = '0') or (list1(i) = '1') or (list1(i) = '2') or (list1(i) = '3') or (list1(i) = '4') or (list1(i) = '5') or (list1(i) = '6') or (list1(i) = '7') or (list1(i) = '8') or (list1(i) = '9')) then
23 | c(a):= list1(i);
24 | if (a < 8) then
25 | a := a + 1;
26 | end if;
27 | else
28 | c(b) <= '-';
29 | if (b > 1) then
30 | b := b - 1;
31 | end if;
32 | end if;
33 | end loop;
34 |
35 | temp <= c;
36 | end process;
37 | list2 <= temp;
38 | end behavior;
1 | library ieee;
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 | use ieee.numeric_std.all;
4 |
5 | entity tb_module1 is
6 | end entity;
7 |
8 | architecture behavior of tb_module1 is
9 | component module1
10 | port (list1: IN string (1 to 8);
11 | list2: OUT string (1 to 8));
12 | end component;
13 |
14 | signal list1, list2: string (1 to 8);
15 | begin
16 | DUT: module1 port map (list1 => list1, list2 => list2);
17 |
18 | process
19 | begin
20 | wait for 0 ns;
21 | list1 <= "12345678";
22 | wait for 10 ns;
23 | list1 <= "001122nn";
24 | wait for 10 ns;
25 | end process;
26 | end behavior;
They compile fine but simulation gives me this error in the image
attached. I cannot understand why this error is happening! It keeps
saying that my index is out of range...