
Topics in all forums

Subject Author Replies Last post
Spi Flash AT45DB321 Chris Customchris 11
Error in shift operator Hayder Al-Amily 0
8x1 Multiplexer Min_ah 7
LPC2138 ADC example Thomas Fernando 12
Memory Interface with a Muxed Address/Data Bus Max 3
Altium NB3000 Moorthi 2
An overall PWM system by using FPGA _Jaiko007 5
initialization of EBR based ROM in Lattice MachXO2 Thomas Hergenhahn 1
reading 24bit with I2S on nucleo stm32f411re Mike 0
STM32F407 SPI reads wrong data Mirko 1
Automated Verilog Module Instantiation Sauhaarda Chowdhuri 0
Machx02 User Flash Memory Chris Customchris 6
Blocking vs Non-blocking questions (verilog) Trevor Hill 1
8 bit DIVISION PROBLEM Marius Pop 1
VHDL parsing tool Bartlomiej T. 0
Foucault pendulum with drive by an electromagnet used as a clock Jeremias 5
How to compare equivalent gate count, power consumption and possibly area and delay of circuits? Rohan Narkhede 0
BASYS 2 Implementation Nirav Bhatt 2
UART in FPGA for receiver rushin 27
Problem of Rom & sensitivity list Ed Hut 15
VHDL : signal goes to zero when looping on a state Ed Hut 11
Synchronizing reset signal used as a combinational logic Robert 3
16bit synchronous counter Ber 25 7
upcounter with enable signal for one clock cycle felix89 6
Clock port and any other port of a register should not be driven by the same signal source Robert 3
STM32F303 Discovery: SPI basics Harald 1
Efficiently test HMIs? BennieMa 0
Availability of JTAG M_A AF 1
locked Get Binary-Data from Wav-File Samuel_Schmid 18
VHDL UART testbench that send/receive to/from a software on the Windows Mostafa Semofa 8
VHDL Button Debouncing Matt 18
Altera Quartus Design Assistant Critical Warnings Robert 1
Data acquisition jeorges FrenchRivera 3
modified booth encoder Pavithra Kodada 7
FPGA Frequency Divider _Jaiko 007 2
Dual processor Microblaze Ramzi Hmaidi 0
Six Key Strategies To Make PCB Work Smarter Jenny Gao 0
Incorrect reset in verilog Z. W. 3
Vhdl file reading: reading integer(varying length) and converting to std_logic_vector felix89 1
system identification with lms using microphone Radhika Krishnan 0
Change a front of clock signal Dima Ustinoff 3
[newbie] chip select - unexpected result? Kenny Millar 3
Rpm detector vhdl ChrisChris 7
Writing to bmi160 register fails Aditya K. 0
LPC1768 Set GPIO using EMAC Prakash Rajolli 9
vhdl reading text file finding current line number? felix89 6
4 bit up down counter with a programmable modulo value Ahmed Alibrahim 8
Build an I2C protocol using systemverilog Fitrahhadi S. 3
Multi-core simulation in Modelsim Dima Ustinoff 2
Frequency Divider using VHDL _Jaiko 007 5
Verilog buffer implementation problem H Karim 1