Hello ALL, I am a beginner with fpga boards.I have a code and i need to run it on BASYS 2 board . Basically its a code for generating gating signals. I need help how to assign input and output ports and how do i check whether i am getting correct output. Attached is the code for reference. Help will e highly appreciated.
Nirav B. wrote: > I need help how to assign input and output ports What toolchain? > and how do i check whether i am getting correct output. Wrap a testbench around your module and apply some stimuli signals. One thing you will find out is that you will get some spurios gating signals when changing the half_duty randomly. This is because you compare the switching points by equalitiy:
1 | IF(count(i) = half_duty) THEN |
2 | G1_out(i) <= '0'; |
3 | ELSIF(count(i) = half_duty +10 ) then |
4 | G2_out(i) <= '1'; |
5 | ELSIF (count(i) = period - half_duty -10) THEN |
6 | G2_out(i) <= '0'; |
7 | ELSIF(count(i) = period - half_duty) THEN |
8 | G1_out(i) <= '1'; |
9 | END IF; |
Better would be to change half_duty only when the counter is reset to 0. Or at least you must change the half_duty value at a point where all phases are in an inactive state... BTW: pls attach a VHDL file as *.vhd or *.vhdl (not as *.txt) You will see some little magic named "syntax highlighting"...
I am sorry for late reply.Exams compelled me to stay away from this board. I am not sure what tool chain means..... I guess i assigned them in plan ahead also i did not get what you mean by wrapping up test bench. Attached are the.vhd file and .ucf file for input and output port pins. 1. I am not sure of clock signal.The clock i have used is 50 MHz and the pin B8 on board says it gives 50 MHz , i am really not sure how to check the clock.Attached is the image of the board where clock is shown. 2. I should get results like atttached ISIM snapshot. G1 and G2 output should be conducting at 50% duty cycle. I am dumbest ever guy in FPGA but i want to learn and get better at it. Please help me.
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