I get a number of Critical Warnings with respect to lpm_ff and
Below are few:
Rule A102: Register output should not drive its own control signal
directly or through combinational logic - Structure 1
1 | App:inst1|Exp_Box:inst2|lpm_ff:ff_Last_Image|dffs[0]
2 | App:inst1|Exp_Box:inst2|_~3
3 | App:inst1|Exp_Box:inst2|lpm_ff:ff_event_HStrig|dffs[0]
4 |
5 | App:inst1|Expe_Box:inst2|lpm_counter:cnt_ext_HStrig|cntr_6ik:auto_generated|cout_actual
Can these warnings be ignored? Moreover I am using Altera Quartus 11.1
Web Edition. Could it be because of Open Core Plus?