I would like to know how to identify the µC of an automotive LCU or its performance (frequency, memories,...). Is there a way to do that without a tear-down? If a tear-down is necessary, how to proceed in case the device is not marked? Or, how to proceed in case the µC is a bare die? Thank you. PS: I am just a mechanical engineer. Hence, please explain it in "Sesame Street style"
Without tear-down, your only hope is to grab schematics/tech doc. For unmarked chip, or bare die (under an epoxy blob), you can only de-cap (using very hot highly concentrated nitric acid) and a very good microscope using polarized light. Then you need to identify the die.... Good luck ! The next problem will be the software embedded in the chip. Most chips have built-in safety fuses preventing reverse engineering. If you want to have an overview of this impossible task, visit Ken Shiriff's blog (www.righto.com). This should show you the amount of money you need to invest...
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