Hi, I want to use a buck-converter for converting my battery voltage to a voltage usable by a microcontroller. My question is if I need anything between the buck-converter and the micrcontroller to reduce noise (e.g. ferrit bead or LC-filter). I am using TPS82740B as Converter. Thanks a lot
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Usually not, except if you're using analog circuitry.
Use a LDO if you want low noise, especially if you want to supply a microcontroller.
Consider the datasheets and compare the ripple from the Switching regulator to the maximum allowable ripple for the microcontroller. An LDO is not necesarry in most cases, but will a secure solution to avoid proplems (if equipped with capacitiors according to the datasheet). Make shure to have enough capacitors near to the switching regulator and (espacially 100nF ceramic) near to the microcontroller. Frederic
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