Hey there, I am searching somethig like the TP4056, but the TP4056 battery charger just has 1A input and 1.5A ouput(I am not sure sure about the output, but I think it's correct). Does any knows a charger board with 2A input and 3A(15W) output? Thank you! Regards
I'm pretty certain the TP4056 is a linear charger, so the charging current won't be higher than the input current ;) Linear Technology has a couple of LiPo chargers with >3A charge current: https://www.analog.com/en/parametricsearch/11145#/p5380=Li-Polymer&p5555=3|max&qsfv=chem|Li-Polymer_vmax|_icharge|3 Those are switching mode chargers, so not as easy to use as linear ones. Arno
Thank you for your reply :), but I did not express myself well :( I am sorry... So I am searching a charger which can deliver 2A for charging and the output from the battery then should be higher, but 3A charging and 3A output also should work fine, since I have a capacity of 6A?! Regards, Lennard
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