Hey there, so I recently build this usb-pd powerbank from greatscott (maybe you know him)... Because my bicycle has not light and I have a SmartArray Q12 neutral white LED-Modul laying around (I dont even know why) and now also this powerbank that I could use, I would like to create a DIY bicycle light with an arduino. The led runs with 9V and up to 12 W, the pcb from the powerbank can output up to 18 W, so that's absolutley fine I think. But I would like to dim the led(for example when the bike is just standing the led should be darker and when I drive the bike the led should get brighter) and the datasheet says: LED is dimmable, but I don't know how to do that :( Does anyone has an idea? Thanks! Link to Video: https://youtu.be/yEbbhTw0knoED LED: https://www.leds.de/smartarray-q12-neutralweiss-led-modul-30776.html PCB: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4000574214602.html?aff_platform=portals-search&sk=_d8hmFU2&aff_trace_key=4971b29f8f464d52a17b98c9f7070f65-1598102383036-07556-_d8hmFU2&terminal_id=ed421d4c8b4a4844801e9d79a3cfeab0&tmLog=new_Detail&aff_request_id=4971b29f8f464d52a17b98c9f7070f65-1598102383036-07556-_d8hmFU2
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John C. wrote: > Does anyone has an idea? One thread is enough. See Beitrag "LED dimmen und Fahrradlicht"