Not sure this is the correct forum, please move if necessary. I wanted to help a colleague to install three network cameras atop his house. Unfortunately the only wiring in place is a sole spare koax meant for satellite distribution. So the idea was to use IEE1901 Adapters (more commonly known as PowerLan) on both ends and use a small switch to connect the cameras in the attic. The adapters came readily equipped with coax connectors and I used some spare koax to rig up a test circuit in my basement first (DC power will be fed separately). Funny thing was, I could run all my WAN traffic between modem and switch through the rig. But when I tried to use the same setup for the connection between a network camera and switch, the adapter on the camera side would not even show a „link established“ light. What is going on here? Why would it work with high volume traffic but not with a single 2MP network camera? The camera was working flawlessly in my home network before, all IP addresses etc. are correct. Any hint appreciated.
I reported the wrong lights: the „link established“ will come on both ends, the LAN connection light on the camera side would NOT be on.
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