Lately, I decided to give the STM32F0 discovery board [3] a try. The ADC seemed to be extremely noisy and I decided to investigate the problem. I'd like to present my results here, just in case someone else experiences the same problems. Test setup: * STM32F0 discovery board * ADC clock from internal 14MHz oscillator * Analog input 10 (GPIOC0, configured as analog I/O, of course): I use 1.5 ADC clock cycles sampling time with this input * Internal voltage reference: I use the advised 239.5 ADC clock cycles sampling time here. * FTDI USB<->RS232 converter * STM32F0 running at 48MHz PLL source, clocked from internal 8MHz RC oscillator. * STM32F0 connected to FTDI via USART1, 19200 baud (highest setting that works reliably with the internal RC oscillator) I measured the internal voltage reference and an external voltage applied to GPIOC0. For the voltage reference, I transmitted the raw ADC values to the PC, for the external voltage I transmitted the calculated millivolt-value. Every value was converted to decimal (for easy debugging) and output to the serial port. This should result in about 400 readings per second (I didn't verify this, because that's not very important here). The external voltage is generated by a 22k potentiometer connected to VDD and GND. The cable from the potentiometer to the I/O-Pin is about 40cm long. As a side note: The DC resistance of the potentiometer is far higher than the suggested value which may have caused an unneglectable loading of the potentiometer voltage divider and thus cause a voltage deviation from the unloaded value. I'm aware of this but in this series of measurements I was not interested in such effects (which may even grow with the sample rate (higher sample rate -> more S&H cycles per second -> more input current)). I take the ADC input voltage (which, for absolute accuracy checks I measured directly at the ADC input) as given and I am only interested in how to get low noise and a stable rading for stationary signals. At least 40e3 values were acquired for each dataset. First test ---------- Potentiometer connected to GPIOC0. In the middle of the cable, approximately 20cm from the PC0 pin header of the discovery board, I connected a 100nF ceramic capacitor from PC0 to ground. The purpose is to lower the dynamic impedance of the potentiometer. This reduces the noise introduced by the ADC sample and hold considerably. Otherwise the impedance of the potentiometer would be far too high. The result was a disaster. You can see a plot of the acquired values in PC0.pdf, dataset (a). The plot shows a time-series of the first 5e3 datapoints in the left subplot and a histogram of all datapoints in the right one. Yes, the input voltage was only about 200mV in this case but the noise wasn't better with higher values. The measured voltage scattered roughly 100mV in total, a completely unacceptable result. Second test ----------- This time I selected the internal voltage reference as input. This should rule out any problems caused by long external cables and bad external setup. The result is plotted in vref.pdf, dataset (a). At least the individual ADC counts are visible in the time series plot, but the scatter is horrible, again. The center part of the histogram looks somewhat "gaussian" but not the tails left and right. Something's obviously wrong here. As it turns out, ST didn't respect their own power supply decoupling requirements. The STM32F0 discovery board doesn't seem to have any capacitors on the VSSA and VDDA analog supply pins, whereas the datasheet tells us 1uF || 10nF is required [2]. I put a piece of PCB onto the top of the MCU with double sided adhesive tape and soldered the decoupling capacitors onto it (see setup.jpg). Third test ---------- I repeated the second test, now with the decoupling capacitors in place. The result can be seen in vref.pdf, dataset (b). The result looks much better, the tails in the histogram have gone, the scatter is smaller. This was a first step, but the results of the external voltage didn't improve. I decided to move the 100nF cap very close to the I/O pin and therefore placed it on top of the MCU, too (see setup.jpg). Fourth test ----------- Repetition of the first test. Result in PC0.pdf, dataset (b). Almost all of the scatter is gone. Don't worry about the different average value. I've touched the potentiometer between the tests. Please notice that the highest bar of the histogram goes up far higher but I set a limit of 0.3 on the y-axis. Summary, possible explanations and lessons learned -------------------------------------------------- Apart from the proper supply decoupling, it is extremely important to drive the ADC input with a very low impedance. This seems obvious -- the datasheet ([2], Electrical characteristics, Table of R_AIN,max for f_ADC = 14MHz) lists a required maximum impedance of 400 Ohms for the fastest sampling time -- but you have to keep in mind, that the impedance must be provided directly at the MCU pin. The 20cm wire to the capacitor in the first test completely messed the results up. For slowly varying inputs (like a potentiometer) it may be sufficient to connect a capacitor directly to the analog input like I did. (Please note that I didn't try out the minimum size of this cap, but the 100nF seem reasonable as you can see by this eyeball-calculation: The S&H capacitance is about Cint = 8pF, according to the documentation [2]. The ADC has 12bits, thus we have 4096 values. If we allow a voltage change of the external capacitor Cext of one step size during the sampling process and assume that all current is drawn solely from Cext, we arrive at the conclusion that Cext > Cint*4096 = approx. 33nF. Add some safety margin and you arrive at 100nF for a standard value.) If you want to digitize a fast changing signal, you'll probably need a very fast buffer close to the ADC input; The fastest sampling time is only 110ns(!) and the buffer should keep the ADC input voltage stable during this time. References ---------- [1]: RM0091: Reference Manual, STM32F05xxx/06xxx advanced ARM-based 32-bit MCUs ( [2] STM32F051x4 STM32F051x6 STM32F051x8: Data sheet ( [3] UM1525: User Manual, STM32F0DISCOVERY, Discovery kit for STM32 F0 microcontrollers (
Many thanks for providing your results!! I'm not using an STM32 controller but I do believe, your conclusions apply to other controllers, like LPC, too. Although I repeatedly failed getting precise readings of the ADC on a LPC175x I did never perform such a systematic analysis. I was using an INA193 current sensor IC connected to the ADC input. Unfortunately, most opamps don't like capacitors at their outputs and I doubt the outputs are of low impedance on the time scale of the ADC's sampling. So I would end up with a RC connected from the opamp output to the ADC input.
To be a bit more precise: It is the sampling process of the sample and hold stage which may cause this troubles. They are therefore not restricted to the STM32 series ADC. You can run into these problems even with external ADCs. I learned this after posting my results. If had known this before, I would have chosen a different title, I think. You are right, capacitive loads lead to problems with most opamps. The typical solution seems to be an opamp followed by an RC lowpass, as you propose. There is some freely accessible literature on this topic which deals with the "correct" design of the component values. Just search for "sar adc driver" and such and/or have a look at [1,2] for a first start. [1]: [2]:
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