Hello, I got a cheap barebones STM32F4VGT6 board, admittedly it was somewhat of an impulse buy. It is made by diymore: https://www.ebay.com/itm/STM32F407VGT6-ARM-Cortex-M4-32bit-MCU-Core-Development-Board-STM32F4Discovery-/311702413371 So far, I have used dfu-utils to burn my programs, which are generated by STM32CubeMX. The dfu-utils method is described here: https://github.com/dwelch67/black_pill_too I would like to use a NUCLEO boards' SWD programmer to be able to debug the MCU, but it does not break out the reset pin. Nonetheless, on the back side silk screen it says: SWD: PA13/DIO PA14/CLK Do I have to pry the NRST line from the reset button, or can I use just those 2 lines for SWD? Thanks for your help.
Rafael Bachmann wrote: > SWD: PA13/DIO PA14/CLK Those two pins are sufficient for SWD (together with a GND connection obviously). You do not have to route the rst-Pin to your ST-Link unless you e.g. want to do a "connect under reset" but you could also do that manually by holding the reset button and releasing it after initiating the debug connection.
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