
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics how can I read protect my STM32F4 with eclipse + openOCD JTAG ?

von magnetron (Guest)

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hello forum ,

I am using Eclipse + openOCD JTAG for downloading and debugging
my aplication into STM32F4

after I finish my project I want read protect my code
so that it is not stolen

question : how can I read protect my STM32F4 with eclipse + openOCD JTAG

thank you

von Oliver J. (skriptkiddy)

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Please have a look at this chapters in the reference manual of the 
stm32F4xxx microcontrollers (RM0090):
3.6.3 Read Protection (RDP)
3.6.1 Description of user option bytes
3.8.3 Flash option key register (FLASH_OPTKEYR)

And after that you should read in the documentation of openocd/gdb about 
reading and writing memory.

I haven’t done this before. So I can't give your more advice to do this.


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