
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics ChibiOS on the STM32F4-Discovery

von Ale (Guest)

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I got a STM32F4-Discovery board and wanted to test some ready to use 
code. I stumbled upon the ChibiOS and its STM32F4 support. I compiled 
the sources under macos x, with a self-built gcc, and flashed with a 
self-compiled stlink utility. The demo does not run. The flashing tols 
says that flashing was sucessful (!).
Now, I can read the demo with this flashing utility and re-flash it, and 
it still works.
I found this 
post, where the author claims that he got it working with the windows 
flashing tools and not in linux (ok I used MacOS X).

Have someone tried ChibiOS on the Discovery ? which tools/flash 
utilities have you used ?

Could you post a working compiled file for me to compare ?


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von vampire (Guest)

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von Alejandro P. (alejandro_p)

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Thanks vampire.

I found that the stflash utility flashed the hex file as if it were a 
binary, i.e. it did not interpret it as an hex file. I flashed the 
binary and the demo ran.


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