
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics

Everything about digital electronics, microcontrollers and -processors — ARM, AVR, MSP430, PIC, 8051, ...

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Subject Author Replies Last post
MOSI MISO or RX, TX, on Atmega328 John 1
[code] Your first ATTiny project Vicentiu Mincior 0
eLua on STM32F4discovery Thomas M. 2
Activating a radio controlled LED wristband ichbinich 0
UART in AtmelStudio6 menimeniyong 1
ChibiOS on the STM32F4-Discovery Ale 2
problem with reading external ADC values. vema 0
STM32F4xx: running code from ram Lauren 7
ATmega - ISP Mkii - Newbie Crank 1
hardware testing on msp430 gdh 0
Escooter on my own Clara S. 4
microcontroller motors Dragu Mircea 5
division with microcontrollers Natascha 2
AT91SAM7S USB SAM-BA Problem Nazmus Sakib 1
Looking for suitable µC to process Audiosignals Mosha 1
Digitaler Bilderrahmen abdunpatah dee 1
TC1796 can't disable global interrupts Peter Bear 3
lpc2388 interrupt problem Kevin Twiggs 5
memory test error Hiba 5
STM32 and Programming via Boundary Scan Manu 1
LPC1114 & FT232 & Flashmagic TM 0
Correlation of frequency and power of transformer core Kolle 0
General problem about microcontrollers Dragu Mircea 2
AT91SAM9XE512 DMA programming via PDC Stephan 0
RFM12 module self test Martyn JUDD 1
MSP-EXP5438 ADC12 Sample Code Vidya Sagar 0
Can Filter&Mask on dsPIC30F4013/MPLABICD3/C30 Laura L. 0
Arduino projects John 3
DRV8833 as BLDC motor driver Jeremy Royston 0
programming micro controler; ATtiny2313A Alex 0
About dsPIC33 programming in c Nilmani Neupane 2
implement a ZigBee Module Ibo de Souza 1
SAM7S Low Power Design Suggestion Nazmus Sakib 2
Starting From Flash Rodi07 8
Chip für AM/FM Radio mit TMC und RDS Uli Trautenberg 3
Table Tennis Trainer Project Tommy L. 1
ENC28J60 with Atmega644 Tobias M. 4
Self-built ARM/Linux Webcam? Jörg 1
STM32 and SMBus Michael 1
General Questions Tushar K. 2
Transistor Tester Compiling Error Ronnie Tabanao 6
ATmega1284P definitions A. Tex 1
Need Datasheet/Informations about VFD. mcc 2
isp AT89LP2051 johnguy 7
SPOKA LED Light mystery Alex H. 0
Does anyone know Magic Pixel chips MP600-MP620 and Aleks Neman 3
AVR RF12B problem Davide Tardito 9
Howto: Setting up Netbeans for Arduino/AVR Software Development Matthias Wientapper 0
Howto use MKII with AVR Studio under WIN 7 64 bit (solution) Werner A. 0
OmniVision cameras. Where to get sufficient documentation ? Artem Pisarenko 3
MSP430 TI-Grace sumo 0