Dear all, I am implementing a very small code to read sample from ADC on Msp430 experimenter board EXP5438A. However I read very false samples (it is either a 6 or a 7).I dont really understand where the problem is. Here is my code. This code is sample code from TI for continuous sampling on single channel. I am able to build and successfully debug the code. Board works fine. Can anyone please suggest where the problem can be? Thank you for the same. #include "msp430x54xA.h" #define Num_of_Results 8 volatile unsigned int results[Num_of_Results]; void main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW+WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer P7SEL |= 0x20; // Enable A/D channel A13 /* Initialize ADC12_A */ ADC12CTL0 = ADC12ON+ADC12SHT0_8+ADC12MSC; // Turn on ADC12, set sampling time // set multiple sample conversion ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHP+ADC12CONSEQ_2; // Use sampling timer, set mode ADC12IE = 0x01; // Enable ADC12IFG.0 ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ENC; // Enable conversions ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC; // Start conversion __bis_SR_register(LPM4_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM4, Enable interrupts __no_operation(); // For debugger } #pragma vector=ADC12_VECTOR __interrupt void ADC12ISR (void) { static unsigned char index = 0; switch(__even_in_range(ADC12IV,34)) { case 0: break; // Vector 0: No interrupt case 2: break; // Vector 2: ADC overflow case 4: break; // Vector 4: ADC timing overflow case 6: // Vector 6: ADC12IFG0 results[index] = ADC12MEM0; // Move results index++; // Increment results index, modulo; Set Breakpoint1 here if (index == 8) index = 0; // Reset the index; Set Breakpoint here case 8: break; // Vector 8: ADC12IFG1 case 10: break; // Vector 10: ADC12IFG2 case 12: break; // Vector 12: ADC12IFG3 case 14: break; // Vector 14: ADC12IFG4 case 16: break; // Vector 16: ADC12IFG5 case 18: break; // Vector 18: ADC12IFG6 case 20: break; // Vector 20: ADC12IFG7 case 22: break; // Vector 22: ADC12IFG8 case 24: break; // Vector 24: ADC12IFG9 case 26: break; // Vector 26: ADC12IFG10 case 28: break; // Vector 28: ADC12IFG11 case 30: break; // Vector 30: ADC12IFG12 case 32: break; // Vector 32: ADC12IFG13 case 34: break; // Vector 34: ADC12IFG14 default: break; } }
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