Dear Forumites, I have some experience with developing sw for embedded devices running Linux kernels, but no hw knowledge to speak of. I am now looking for some hints for a specific project I have in mind: I would like to run an IR-sensitive webcam, able to stream good quality video (i.e. at least VGA - not only output format, but real optical resolution) including audio over LAN or WLAN; at the same time, the audio data should be accessible for simple processing inside the box. Most of the ARM boards I have found are far too full-featured for this. I would like to be able to build this for around 40€ or even less. Do you think this is possible? Can anyone suggest a starting point, or even a ready solution? Thank you sincerely, Jörg
Sounds interesting if it is a hobbyists project or if the out of the box IP cam's for around 40€ doesn't fit your requirements. max. 40€ sounds to me like DIY, rather than buy some PCB ready. Do you have some experience developing hardware and software for bare metal systems? Ju
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