
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics

Everything about digital electronics, microcontrollers and -processors — ARM, AVR, MSP430, PIC, 8051, ...

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Subject Author Replies Last post
hobby servo - max angle micro uc 0
How to combine I²C/TWI, SPI and UART on one connector? Torsten C. 12
LPC1768 MCPWM as a normal PWM output Miller 0
c++ object of an output (LED) micro uc 1
Ideas for the design of a new control system Veriatalon 2
PIC16F676 + MCP2515 PICtail Demo Board - Firmware Peter 2
How to read ATmega128RFA1 via UART-USB connected to the PC using HTerm? ektor 17
Raspberry Pi Camera Board - raspistill options for fastest image acquisition? Info 2
Light-weight sensor communication system Winnovation 2
Modscan issue with energy meter WB Isme 2
arduino uno + gsm shield with gsm.h and wire.h not compatible? Gilbert 0
PIC24EP512GU810 - ADC MCP9700: no realistic values sbruegmann 1
Ethernet with PIC18F67J60 Pasjul 7
Recommendation for board? Gomp Fruktpastiller 1
AVR Studio - ATmega8 - Beginner micro uc 4
Reflow Soldering Oven with LCD Display Bent 0
avr controlling 30V hydraulic valve with Profet Hannes XXX 2
Project based on project Joerg Wolfram Warp S. 2
Porting uip to Renesas RX63N Patrick Leedom 0
AVR - Chicken or egg problem Stephan B. 2
µC with bluetooth web server Franz Wegerer 2
CodeVision AVR: pointer type problem X- Rocka 4
Microcontroller (AT91SAM7A3) only crashes when not running with gdb Jan Bolting 3
ADC ATMEGA16 microcontroller Dragu Mircea 1
LCD interface with Dev board Brandon S. 1
AVR microcontrollers Dragu Mircea 3
AVR Mesh network Daniel M. 2
m1284p makes AVR Dragon "hang"? Christian Thorge S. 1
Header for PIC16F688 with C-Compiler Stefan Hölfer 3
LTC6802-2 What is needed for developing ? Student75 1
Atomic write - STM32 Lasse S. 2
how can I read protect my STM32F4 with eclipse + openOCD JTAG ? magnetron 1
Embedded Project for Students, Sponsort by Google Summer of Code Jan S. 0
SBC6845 SAM-BA hangs and no romboot prompt Johannes Pandis 0
Toradex Embedded Design Challenge Alex S. 0
internal current draw on reset pin (ATMEGA48 20AU) Michael 2
i2c strange behavior on lpc2148 Gossamer 0
STR911 ADC analog watchdog Pedro 0
Zx81 on Avr Atmega1284 David R. 2
Reading program from ATMEGA128 Melvin G. 1
Datasheet for unmatched IC Suresh S. 0
controll only 1 bit from 1 byte micro uc 2
AVR Studio - ATmega8 - display f_cpu on lcd micro uc 4
Microcontroller for Switch Tai Sun 1
TMR0 PIC16F917 Dragu Mircea 4
HD44780 LCD with PIC 18F2550 Marius 17
WRF24WB0MA no response to DHCP MAC broadcast Michael 1
SPI not able to be switched off (MOSI - PIN ) @ATmega1284p Daniel 0
Converting an ieee number Jake 0
MOSI MISO or RX, TX, on Atmega328 John 1