
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics

Everything about digital electronics, microcontrollers and -processors — ARM, AVR, MSP430, PIC, 8051, ...

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Subject Author Replies Last post
LPC1768 does not wakeup from deepsleep Sven 4
Tek 2445B Fail code Rick 1
Problem Interfacing ADC AD7856 with LPC2148 Joydeep S. 0
CAN: High Speed or Low Speed or both? Kenan Özdemir 2
AAC on AVR32 UC3 Lukasz K 0
Interfacing Atmega 32 to LPC based security Chip Krushal 1
Detector Controll with MC Benjamin Goerlich 0
Display ( ST7565) Jean-pierre K. 2
AT91SAM7S256, SPI and PDC Antti Gärding 2
Suggestion for fast 32bit controller wanted Volker 5
How to generate PWM using PCA in MPC82G516A Sucharitha Perla 1
Set PWM o/p pin in AT89C51CC01 Shaik Piebe 14
EVK1100 PWM freq 66Mhz Jack 2
ADC program o/p Shaik Piebe 1
Simpler USB HID Controller / Simple USB HID Controller Chris 9
Arm Cortex for Automotive Engine Management? Paul Ware 7
Siemens GSM-Modem TC35i Kenotux 4
UDP connection with PIC32 Ethernet starter kit Vladi 2
Help me understand SAM9260's clocks A. S. 0
EA DOG-M 162 + Atmega8 Martin Unknown 18
how to display data on multiplexed 4x7-seg by atmega32 Andyy Qamishlo 3
Problems with FT245BL Henning Di 1
math.h (linker) problem. Markos 8
ADC in ATMEL329 Prashant kumar Sandhi 0
AT89STK-06 Board Problem shaik 0
Example program for ISP in AT89C51CC03 Shaik Piebe 3
STM32F107 USART Init --> Rubbish Output Marco 2
Field Oriented Control (FOC) & Power Factor Correction (PFC) Wilfried 4
Problem in Connection with AT89C51CC03 Shaik Piebe 6
Problem with Atmega 644 Programming Problem with Pollin AVR EvaluationBoard 2.01 4
USB multi interface. Hyun S.j 0
how can i set sleep mode for real time system? Shaik Piebe 1
Microcontrollers in reference to microcopters Micro Control 5
ATmega8 +dogm128 problem Zoltán Sárkány 2
OBEX Connection Nokia bia Bluetooth CR612 0
when code runs from SDRAM,Flash Init does not work Vani Aithal 1
Executing code from offset addess in SRAM Vani Aithal 1
Neo 5Q SPI bitstream problem Dave Wright 0
Eclipse & OpenOCD: AHBAP; Sticky und Mem Read Error Kenan Özdemir 16
SDHC "allocation unit" vs. 64KB for write efficiency? Bill Burgess 0
RTEMS or FreeRTOS on STR712FR (ARM7 TDMI) Marchaudon Romain 5
C vs. C++ with ARM C/C++ Compiler Marco ... 5
FAT FileSystem in PIC18 CurroRomero 1
Sell Embedded Master DevBoard .net Micro Framework mfuser 1
XE166 TRAP Interrupt clearing Subhash Krishnan 0
Extracting faulting address on Cortex-M3 jrmymllr jrmymllr 0
Two point2point serial connections via ONE wireless device? Hans 3
TRF7960 Register Christian 1
External Memory Controller Initialization Ravi Ravi 0
Another RFM12 lib My D. 0
Algorithm for interpreting command packets over serial port. maverick 0