I've started programming AT91SAM9260 and some things are not clear to me. At first, sam-ba was giving me problems (see http://embdev.net/topic/184418), so I created a small win32 app to mimic sam-ba. On reset, sam9260 sends "RomBOOT>" and then listens to commands. I then issue some commands to write to internal SRAM and then execute it. All that works. Speed is what interests me now, so I set the led, then clear it, in a loop. There are some 80 sets/resets and one jump, to minimize jump's execution time effect. The instruction are: str r3, [r2, #-203] ; 0xcb // clear str r3, [r2, #-207] ; 0xcf // set I have a 18.432 MHz clock, and this what I use for PLL: #define PLLA_SETTINGS 0x2060BF09 or, to write it in a more readable way: #define DIVA 9 #define PLLACOUNT 63 #define OUTA 2 #define MULA 96 #define PLLA_SETTINGS (1 << 29 | MULA << 16 | OUTA << 14 | PLLACOUNT << 8 | DIVA) PLL's R1,C1,C2 are 1k, 10n and 1n, as in all schematics. Before I work with the PLLA, I first switch from PLLB (romboot was using it) to slow clock as the master clock. The fastest I got was 40ns per instruction. (i.e. 40ns per set, 40ns per clear) and that is only if MDIV field in PMC_MCKR is set to 00 (master clock is processor clock). If MDIV is 01 (master clock is processor clock divided by 2) then I have 60ns per instruction. If it were 80ns, that would make more sense... but it isn't. First of all, I thought that master clock has nothing to do with CPU clock, with the execution of CPU instructions. I thought that Master clock is for SDRAM, peripherals, sampling the inputs, etc... but not for CPU instruction clock. Or, are instructions accessing peripherals executed differently than others?
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