Help I am from Belgium, i am a newbie in AVR en C. I have 2 questions Whats the difference between #include "font.h" and #include <font.h> ? The second question is a bit complicated. How do i display a varible on my grafik display (ST7565R) The funtions: lcd_print2_P(60,28, "Text 1", &Microsoft_Sans_Serif__13,0); works but only with strings. Can someone help me. int main(void) { init(); lcdInit(); lcdClear(); PortLcdCtrl|=0b00100000; // Licht an lcd_print2_P(60,3, "G", &Microsoft_Sans_Serif__13,0); lcd_print2_P(60,28, "Text 1", &Microsoft_Sans_Serif__13,0); lcd_print2_P(60,48, "Text 2", &Times_New_Roman__8,0); //lcd_print2_P(140,28, "Text 3", &Microsoft_Sans_Serif__13,0); //lcd_print2_P(140,48, "Text 4", &Microsoft_Sans_Serif__13,0); char texte[10]; double komma; komma=70; komma= komma+1; dtostrf (komma, 10, 1, texte); lcd_print2_P(40,10,texte, &Times_New_Roman__8,0);//I want to print the variable texte on my display, how? for(;;) { ; } }
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"font.h" searches for the file in the current directory, <font.h> searches all defined include directories, I think. If you want to print a variable/number via that function you have to convert it to a string first, e.g. using sprintf() or similar.
Thank you for the respons My first question is solved with your anwser. " I thought dat "dtostrf made from the variable "komma" a string "texte" Can you write some code how i can print this on my grafik display with sprintf() with lcd_print2_P(40,10,"texte", &Times_New_Roman__8,0); this wil print texte on the display and not 70
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