Hi, I am a complete novice in this field of uc programming and am still learning the ropes of it. I am working with an EVK1100 board and programming with AVR32 Studio Ver. 2.5 I have to generate a PWM signal with a frequency of 66 Mhz. I have already tried using the built in Example program in AVR32 studio i.e. EVK1100-Drivers-PWM example. It is working fine and I am able to manipulate the recieved signal by changing the value of Channel prescaler and the channel period in the main c program. But the minimum value of the prescaler that I can apply is 2 else it is giving me an error. Also the values of the period and duty cycle are 2 & 1 respectively (Have attached a screenshot of the same). I am observing the output at LED 7. The max freq I get with this is 28kHz. Is it possible to get a PWM output of 66Mhz with this configuration? Is an external clock signal required for the same? What can I further modify in the program? Please help...
The PWM clock is based off of the system clock MCK, it seems, so that's the maximum. The prescaler (2 in your case) can be set to 1 according to the datasheet. It think that would be AVR32_PWM_CPRE_MCK instead of AVR32_PWM_CPRE_MCK_DIV_2 (haven't tried though).
Dear John, Yes I did try that infact and I could get the signal frequency upto 56kHz but not further. I need a signal until 66Mhz and I do not know how I can multiply this signal so as to get the desired result!
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