
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics

Everything about digital electronics, microcontrollers and -processors — ARM, AVR, MSP430, PIC, 8051, ...

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Subject Author Replies Last post
Algorithm for interpreting command packets over serial port. maverick 0
Watchdog with ATTiny 2313 not working Peter 4
web-based configuration jrmymllr jrmymllr 2
cost of ARM7TDMI-based AT91SAM7S256 Raajesh Varma 3
atmega8: call c-code out of asm-code? kellerkind 2
ARM announces Cortex-M4 processor core Andreas S. 3
Call for Papers: Workshop on Isolation and Integration for Dependable Systems (IIDS) Michael Engel 0
Get Xport (Lantronix) 'name' with Bascom code Andrea 69 4
Mostek MK3875/22 James 1
LPC2478: Using TFT Controller and I2S simultaneously Simon K. 0
HD44780 in simulink Jochen S. 0
Arduino + Ethershield Programming with avr-gcc Andreas Hoeschler 0
atmega8 ftdi usb communication Igor 0
avr-etherboot compilation error Patrick Psc 0
AT89C51RB2/TUSB3200A Firmware Mr. P 1
Switches with LED (e.g. DigiTast DTL or PushButtonSwitch DPS) Hannes J. 0
Increasing the E-meter Data Refreshing Rate of ESP430 Gerry J. 0
Atmel announces ARM Cortex-M3 based Controllers Andreas S. 4
IIR filter on AT91SAM7S256 Alex Tms 2
XE164 startup problem EuGen 0
spi with GPS NEO-5Q (u-blox) moi 5
ATMEGA32 and LCD display kamikaze 3
GPS data read directly by PIC Sebastian Ma 2
Controling Sanyo LC75710 by ATMega16 Freddy 0
8042 KBC firmware codegen86 1
CAN Sniffer for Linux Netseal 4
Servo Control ATMega2560 Dave Waite 3
OCtopus direct programming guest 2
performance using big screens (tft) saoirse 0
Visual C++ 2008 OPC Client Daniel C. 1
Storing array of struct in Flash using PROGMEM woife 0
Helix AAC decoder jrmymllr jrmymllr 1
WinAVR Accessing string in flash using pointer in struct in flash jerryr 2
SPI connection to Vdrive2 Flo 0
rs232 or usb guest 5
16Bit Seriell in Parallel Out Frank Grimm 4
16 Bit plain serial data via SPI or logic&register Frank 6
hardware development files for download Mirko Lindner 0
TC1766, CAN and Receive FIFO Fan Foué 0
Ethernet cross 1:1 Dirk 3
ARM announces 2GHz Cortex A9 shiramoo 0
IAR Embedded Workbench Release Problem Andy 2
Can somebody help me with RFM12B? Konstantin Sirotkin 2
ST sensor LIS3LV02DL Liang Meng 19
ARM applications help Ashutosh Mahto 0
Stretch 25ns TTL pulse to >100ns Photons in Biochemistry 9
Tricore tc1766 & FreeRTOS Fan Foué 5
ST samples Cartesio+ automotive application processor siramoo 0
C167 read timing tc14 Ivo Scherzinger 0
PIC24F04KA201 16-bit MCU Family Combines eXtreme Low Power 20 nA Sleep Currents and Small Packages a siramoo 0
Samsung, Intrinsity pump ARM to GHz rate siramoo 0