
Forum: Off Topic

Everything that doesn't fit in any of the other forums.

Subject Author Replies Last post
How to Improve Embedded System Efficiency in Resource-Constrained Environments? Daniel J. 1
Heidenhain TNC155A elctronic handwheel (HE-310) Jyrki K. 3
Battery polarity confusion James S. 3
Looking for Berger Lahr Arnaud 0
I need help regarding embedded system development. Sofiya W. 0
Small and cheap robot arm recommendation Cliff W. 4
MPLAB X IDE error during compilation c file Davide Magnelli 1
SMS Sprint Programmer defective / SMS 2840 Pindriver ICs Gonzalo 1
Best Django Books Palak S. 0
Update: Virtual 3D Nixie Clock as website for PC and phone. Live demo incl. 🕵︎ Joachim L. 0
CR2 battery Problem Lernend B. 0
HAMEG HM8012 'OFF' Ioannis V. 0
Dell U2713H on Mac: forcing RGB mode instead of YCbCr (1, 2, 3) Andreas S. 430
Logitech G Pro X Mic not working Save_G 18
New member!! Nathan 1. 1
R Shiny: Creating factor variables and defining levels Tobi M. 0
Microcontroller as a kezboard Gergely 2
ABB Servo drive from IRC5 control Niki A. 0
English: "regulation" vs. "control" none 1
motor ametek pittman Mohamed Saad 0
APA107 rgb led strip Jurgel 0
Hi everybody! Nathan J. 3
GS8208 LED Strip is controlled by Arduino Daisy Xu 1
Alternatives to NXP MIFARE DESFire RFID cards? Sören K. 1
Want to join us? Can you develop a sleep-tracker like wearable? Alex Ander 0
My hyperlink dosn't working Andrej O. 0
Peltier Element, Cooling, Freezing Drink cooling System with am Peltier 1
New member!! Jessica Jung 3
Hi everybody, is any free design software to recommed Arkus Bruce 2
Xilinx VCU108 for sale Michael 0
hi every body! Coolboy96 March 1
fpga wannabes proggy 0
second hand Babyplast machine Ana 0
Little Box Challenge - Finalists list Stefan Matlok 36
Efficiently test HMIs? BennieMa 0
Hiring: Experienced Researcher in Hardware Design / Electrical Engineering (3D Light-Field Displays) Peter Kovacs 2
no audio on hackintosh drake 1
Word and Double Word Length Scott Nienaber 0
Call for mentors and students for Google Summer of Code 2014! Google awards stipends of US$5500 Andreas Hornig 0
PicADSB "AVR format" tag zuban 0
How much time lies between two consectutive tics? TEP 0
Phonelinesoftware ringline 3
The official Job oriented LinkedIn ARM Community ARMBasedGroup 0
Weler (WSA350) or other Fume Extractor/Sucker Cyphunk Surname 0
FCC declaration / authorization of simple AVR circuit Matthias_H 0
Offtopic: Englisch knowlege Lukas 13