
Forum: Off Topic Phonelinesoftware

von ringline (Guest)

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Hi, I am trying to use ModemTest to test two Notebooks using the master 
and slave configuration.
Both notebooks connected to Analog phone lines, dialing one another.
I would like to do this without using Phone lines. Can you recommend a 
phone Line Simulator product? Or are you aware of any Phone Line 
Simulator that works with your software? I know they are expensive.

The Modems I am trying to test are :
Motorola SM56 data Fax Modem (ModemTest Loopback test not working)
Connexant HDAUDIO Soft data Fax Modem with SmartCP(Loopback test works)


: Moved by Admin
von Icke (Guest)

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How about to use an older PBX with analogue lines?

von widss (Guest)

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I Dont have a old PBX anymore.

von Icke (Guest)

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