Could a native speaker please elaborate on the usage of above terms? The German equivalent is "Regelung" in the sense of closed-loop control. The other meaning is more in the sense of an agreement or rules/law that I would translate as "regulation". But, it also seems to be used for technical "stuff" e.g. Then, there is the German word "Steuerung" in the sense of open-loop control, but I think there's no single-word equivalent. Dictionary sites usually don't reveal the nuances at first sight. Thanks!
The answer is we call them controls as they are visible "handles" to make something remote happen. I have download the german version and was looking for a replacement english version, and an english manual that would help me to make more "meters", as I do not think the current ones would sit happily with my projects. I want a slider that is left/right, rather than up/down. I also want a steering wheel!
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