Hey Guys, I want to build a cooler for alcoholic drinks like Jägermeister or such things. I tried to rebuild a Jägermeister Tap machine. If you dont know what i mean, here is a picture of this machine: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cb/86/c7/cb86c708abe2e89c129d209233839231--contests-canada-jagermeister.jpg They bring the Jägermeister down to a temprature of about -15°C oder even cooler. So I just tried to use a alluminium Case ( Volume about 0.4 liter), isolatet it against the temprature around and cooled the hole case with jägermeister in it, with a Peltier Element (TEC 12712 TEC1- 12712). The other Side of the Peltier was connectet to a water cooling system. But sadly the tempreture inside the Case only reached about minus -3°C I hope you guys can help me to get the system better. the picture shows the Project right now, the gren tubes are used as In-/output of the jägermeister in/out of the Case. The microcontrollers are not important. The Trafo is a 12V 15V trafo an directly contacted to the peltier element.
Oh I just forgot to log in ^^ ups, i edited this post:D also sorry for the bad englisch. I am no native speaker :P
Edited by User
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