1 | library(shiny)
2 | library(tidyverse)
3 | library(shinythemes)
4 | library(data.table)
5 | library(RCurl)
6 | library(randomForest)
7 | library(mlbench)
8 | library(janitor)
9 |
10 |
11 | # Read data
12 | DATA <- BostonHousing
13 |
14 | # Rearrange data so the response variable is located in column 1
15 | DATA <- DATA[,c(names(BostonHousing)[14],names(BostonHousing)[-14])]
16 |
17 | # Creating a simple RF model
18 | model <- randomForest(medv ~ ., data = DATA, ntree = 500, mtry = 4, importance = TRUE)
19 |
20 |
21 | # UI -------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 | ui <- fluidPage(
23 |
24 | sidebarPanel(
25 |
26 | h3("Parameters Selected"),
27 | br(),
28 | tableOutput('show_inputs'),
29 | hr(),
30 | actionButton("submitbutton", label = "calculate", class = "btn btn-primary", icon("calculator")),
31 | hr(),
32 | tableOutput("tabledata")
33 |
34 |
35 | ), # End sidebarPanel
36 |
37 | mainPanel(
38 |
39 | h3("Input widgets"),
40 | uiOutput("select")
41 |
42 | ) # End mainPanel
43 |
44 | ) # End UI bracket
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 | # Server -------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 | server <- function(input, output, session) {
50 |
51 | # Create input widgets from dataset
52 | output$select <- renderUI({
53 | df <- req(DATA)
54 | tagList(map(
55 | names(df[-1]),
56 | ~ ifelse(is.numeric(df[[.]]),
57 | yes = tagList(sliderInput(
58 | inputId = paste0(.),
59 | label = .,
60 | value = mean(df[[.]], na.rm = TRUE),
61 | min = round(min(df[[.]], na.rm = TRUE),2),
62 | max = round(max(df[[.]], na.rm = TRUE),2)
63 | )),
64 | no = tagList(selectInput(
65 | inputId = paste0(.),
66 | label = .,
67 | choices = sort(unique(df[[.]])),
68 | selected = sort(unique(df[[.]]))[1],
69 | ))
70 | )
71 | ))
72 | })
73 |
74 |
75 | # creating dataframe of selected values to be displayed
76 | AllInputs <- reactive({
77 | id_exclude <- c("savebutton","submitbutton")
78 | id_include <- setdiff(names(input), id_exclude)
79 |
80 | if (length(id_include) > 0) {
81 | myvalues <- NULL
82 | for(i in id_include) {
83 | myvalues <- as.data.frame(rbind(myvalues, cbind(i, input[[i]])))
84 |
85 | }
86 | names(myvalues) <- c("Variable", "Selected Value")
87 | myvalues %>%
88 | slice(match(names(DATA[,-1]), Variable))
89 | }
90 | })
91 |
92 |
93 | # render table of selected values to be displayed
94 | output$show_inputs <- renderTable({
95 | AllInputs()
96 | })
97 |
98 |
99 | # Creating a dataframe for calculating a prediction
100 | datasetInput <- reactive({
101 |
102 | df1 <- data.frame(AllInputs(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
103 | input <- transpose(rbind(df1, names(DATA[1])))
104 |
105 | write.table(input,"input.csv", sep=",", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
106 | test <- read.csv(paste("input.csv", sep=""), header = TRUE)
107 |
108 |
109 | # defining factor levels for factor variables
110 | test[4] <- factor(test[4], levels = unique(DATA[,5])) # <- This line will cause problems if multiple factors in dataset or if different column location
111 |
112 |
113 | # Making the actual prediction and store it in a data.frame
114 | Prediction <- predict(model,test)
115 | Output <- data.frame("Prediction"=Prediction)
116 | print(format(Output, nsmall=2, big.mark=","))
117 | })
118 |
119 |
120 | # display the prediction when the submit button is pressed
121 | output$tabledata <- renderTable({
122 | if (input$submitbutton>0) {
123 | isolate(datasetInput())
124 | }
125 | })
126 |
127 |
128 | } # End server bracket
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 | # ShinyApp -------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 | shinyApp(ui, server)