
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics

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Subject Author Replies Last post
Samsung, Intrinsity pump ARM to GHz rate siramoo 0
Microchip : PIC MCUs feature an enhanced mid-range 8-bit core siramoo 2
DOGM163 and atmega168 problems Kai Brygge 0
unsing full 8kb ram of a XC164 µC Thomas Grübler 0
BlueSky Projects #3 John-alfred Ullasmann 0
Atmega168 - Sleep mode Jochen Spieker 5
Samsung using 45-nm process for ARM-11 based processor siramoo 2
Treat char [ ] array as float gast 11
Project introduction: avrBridge Kai Aras 0
Radiometrix(RPM3-869-17) Liang Meng 0
Linux-Proof ARM Processor? Sd Fritze 4
Embedded processor wars shiramoo 0
Siemens S65 - LS020 Display MAximum SPI Speed Sobak Ava 11
ARM announces Cortex-M0 processor core Andreas S. 1
TI buys Luminary Micro Andreas S. 5
Siemens C65 bmp to hex editor availability shiramoo 0
Cirrus CDB5463U Eva-Board drahtlos 0
Microcontroller with Ethernet Interface Andreas Höschler 6
Vref on MSP430 F2013 N.Z. 1
STK 500 Switches Frank 3
A meteorological station Mark 5
New Luminary Stellaris microcontrollers (ARM Cortex-M3) Andreas S. 6
digital Oscilloscope guest 4
Need Help, Temic Atmel Microcontroller adam 2
Problem to program ATxmega256 whith command line Hamma 1
Problem with Densitron OLED Marius S. 2
Can anyone recommend me a demultiplexer? Gnay 1
Basic I²C-Communication with UC3A (AVR32 AT32UC3A1512) Ernest Beckert 0
filter for neuroimaging-data Tim 1
uC board connectors? (Infineon) omnix 5
Siemens S65 on AVR ATmega128, strange Colours!!?!?! Philip Mulrane 1
How to write a bootloader for SAM7A3? Al pacino Deniro 2
Problem with the crystal Edgar Robles 5
Debugging firmware in another memory segment? Al pacino Deniro 4
Chan's FatFS read problem! Al pacino Deniro 6
SDHC support Al pacino Deniro 22
Problems with float arithmetics using a PIC 16F876 Thomas 2
IAR debug with branch instruction error on FLASH Nader Chini chian 0
16 bit division with high precision problem? Ya Ch 1
32 bit/32 bit division by using atmega128 Ya Ch 7
SMT160-30 PIC asm code to regular c code for lpc2148 Timo Kuisma 2
Problems to debug project with AT91M55800A evaluation board Rafael 2
IAR systems tools bull or full? Sam 1
[Announce] AVR-Ada V0.4.0 released Rolf Ebert 0
problem with mcs-51 to make voltmeter Jitkasem 0
Volatile pointer Johan 1
MSP430 problem with Flash memory David 0
Enchancement or Replacement Ferhat Incal 1