Hi, all I use mega128 to control ad5933 chip, since now it's the last step of my whole project, sticking with assembly language is a better option. I am doing damage matrix between two column of data, after I simplified the equation, actually I just need to calculate undamage/damage, they are all 16bit numbers, and because they are very close numbers, I have to divide out 4 or 5 decimal until I can see the difference, for instance(I calculated in MATLAB): UN_1/DA_1 = 0.9993 UN_2/DA_2 = 1.0208 etc... 1. I read AVR200 unsigned 16bits division carefully, I think I can put the decimal in the remainder, right? Later I will do (UN/DA)^2, assume I already save UN/DA, since mega128 has fractional multiplication, I'd like to take advantage of it. so how could I convert this remainder into fractional. 2. And how many digits of remainder I need to reserve for this precision. Hope someone with experience could explain to me my questions, I am really getting lost right now.
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maybe using 32 bit math is a simple way, look at http://www.sump.org/projects/counter/ here some 32 bit asm...
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