
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics Siemens S65 on AVR ATmega128, strange Colours!!?!?!

von Philip M. (pmul)

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Hi all,
I've built a board according to Christian Kranz's spec.
I've compiled the gcld lib on his homepage as per the install.txt 
(mcu,clock, pins all defined for my setup).
I've used a Mega128 16Mhz, I've used the same IO pins has he does.
For the voltage divider leading from the PORTB pins to the display I've 
used 470 Ohm inline with the port pins and 560 Ohm to ground. The 
display in question was bought new from ebay, and looks exactly like 
(i.e. including numbers, etc.) the LS020xxx on Cristian's site.
The circuit works, however the display is a bit 'funny' (see image 
I seem to have an incomplete colour spectrum, only greens and purples 
being involved. And the fonts look 'chewed'. I've tried recompiling the 
lib with 64K colours and 256 colours, no change.
Anyone got any bright ideas?

von Дмитрий Л. (gottdrak99)

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I've got some problems by using 560 Ohm (after 20 seconds i've got some 
crashes). Put one 100 Ohm resistor as serie circuit after all port pins

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