Hello Leute! Sorry for writing in english, but it would take me a lot of time trying to say this in German, and I would probably make a lot of mistakes :) So, what's my problem: I have two microcontroller kits from Infineon (XC167 series), and they work just fine, but... around the microcontroller, which is soldierd in the middle of the board, there are arrays of holes, connected with the chip pins, that are intended to provide access to any microcontroller pin. There's a picture uploaded with this message, so you can see these holes, I marked some of them with red elipse. So, my question is: Does anybody know what type of connector goes into this holes, what's its name (for example if I want to buy it or search it on the internet what should I search for)? If you know german or english name both are good. I have seen that a standard pin-ledder connector can be inserted into this holes, but it seems to me that there isn't enough copper around the holes, so that it can be soldierd properly! Am I maybe wrong? Thanks!
omnix wrote: > I have seen that a standard pin-ledder connector can be inserted into > this holes, but it seems to me that there isn't enough copper around the > holes, so that it can be soldierd properly! Am I maybe wrong? I think that standard pin-headers would be ok. Don't worry about the small solder pads. In fact they are vias, which will be filled by the solder, which will result in a perfect connection between the pin-header and the vias / pads. Regards, Magnetus
There ist no problem with soldering the pins. But be aware that the pinheader must reside on the back of the shown layer in the picture for proper soldering.
Pete K. wrote: > pinheader must reside on the back of the shown layer in the picture for > proper soldering. What?!?
Hello, Can you measure the space between the holes in a row and the space between the column? is it 2,54 or 1,28 or less? It shouldn't be a problem then to find out the right connectors. mfg
Thanks for answers! I didn't know if I could solder that pin header, I was afraid of possibility to ruin something on the board, but now it's ok :) By the way, the hole/pin distance is 2.54 mm. There's still problem with the catalog names for this things, it's a kind hard for me to find them for example in online Conrad catalog, but I think I'll manage it somehow. mfg omnix
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