
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics TMR0 PIC16F917

von Dragu M. (mircea2012)

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Hy everybody.

I want to make a programm who accomplish the next tasks : generate a 
delay of 3 seconds.
The RD7 pin must stay ON 3 seconds, then must stay OFF 3 seonds, and so 

freq. out = freq. clk / (Prescaler*(256 - TMR0)*count)
In my program I work with internal clk (T0CS=0) so the freq. clk is 
4Mhz/4 = 1Mhz. ( Period = 1 / freq; internal instruction cycle is 1 

freq. out = 1 / T = 1 / 3 sec = 0.33Hz and replacing 0.33Hz = 1MHz / 
(256 * (256 - 0) * count)
count = 1MHz / 65536 * 0.33Hz
count = 46.

unsigned char counter;
void interrupt Timer0_ISR(void)
     if ( T0IE && T0IF )                      // are TMR0 interrupts 
enabled and//is the TMR0 interrupt flag set?
             T0IF = 0;                        // TMR0 interrupt flag 
must be cleared in software
             ++counter;                       // increment the counter 
variable by 1
             if(counter == 46)
             PORTDbits.RD7 ^= 1;              // toggle the RD7 pin
      TMR0 = 0;                               // clear the TMR0 register
      OPTION_REG = 0B00000111;                // Use the internal 
instruction clock, choosing to work with a Prescaler (1 : 256)
      INTCONbits.T0IE = 1;                    // enable TMR0 overflow
      INTCONbits.GIE = 1;                     // enable Global 
      TRISD = 0B01111111;
      PORTDbits.RD7 = 0;

I simulate this program with MPLAB SIM but timer0 dont want to 
Please help me.
I dont know if my computations is good.
All the best.

von cprog (Guest)

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I haven't tried your code, but a few things:

-Add this also to see if it helps  INTCONbits.PEIE = 1
It won't help with TMR0 not incrementing, but I believe it's required 
for a timer to generate an interrupt.

-As you are simulating, check the registers you are manipulating to make 
sure they really are getting set to what you expect

Otherwise I don't see anything wrong.

von Dragu M. (mircea2012)

Attached files:

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First of all in my opinion i dont think is necessary to set the PEIE bit 
(see my attachment), but i tried like you said and not works.
I dont get any compilation errors, the registers are OK.
Is possible to get any error in my "Configuration bits" ?

von cprog (Guest)

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The only reason I suggest checking the registers in simulation is in 
case what you think you are doing ends up doing something else.  Or, 
it's possible, not not very likely, that the register name you're using 
is incorrectly mapped by the compiler.  Or, something else (I don't know 
what) could be changing the bits you set.

I don't see anything in the config bits that would seem to affect TMR0.

von SV (Guest)

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I suggest you use PIC18F24J50 insread. It is cheap and it has inbuilt 
moduled that enable you to do this. I even managed to program the chip 
to communicate via USB and I'm able to directly control its registers 
prior to programing it. I first test the programming on a PC and only 
when it works I transfer it into PIC. It is easy since you can use C 
language on both.

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