Hi, I have written a program that uses the gsm shield (with library gsm.h) for sms and the i2c library wire.h for receiving sensor data. Running the program without the wire.h library and WITHOUT using "wire.begin()" runs just fine, but by uncommenting the statenments "#include <wire.h>" and "wire.begin() inside the setup loop the controller does not get past the line of initialzing the gsm shield and hangs. Sometimes even after several retrys I get garbeled glyphs on the screen as if both libraries try to use the same memory space. Has any one had that problem and therefore a solution to it? Here is may code snipplet of the above area: // initialize the library instance GSM gsmAccess(debug); GSM_SMS sms; DateTime time; void setup(){ Wire.begin(); RTC.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(VoltPin, INPUT); pinMode(LedPin_connected, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedPin_not_connected, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LedPin_connected, LOW); digitalWrite(LedPin_not_connected, HIGH); delay(50); //Zeit setzen while(uhrzeitformat == 0) { Uhrzeiteingabe(uhrzeit); uhrzeitformat = analysiereFormat_uhrzeit(uhrzeit, &stunden, &minuten, &sekunden);//Ausgabe 1 = ok, 0 = falsch } Serial.print("Uhrzeit ");Serial.println(uhrzeit); Serial.print("Stunde: ");Serial.println(stunden); Serial.print("Minute: ");Serial.println(minuten); Serial.print("Sekunde: ");Serial.println(sekunden); /*setTime(stunden, minuten, sekunden,Tag,Monat,Jahr); Serial.print("Stunde: ");Serial.println(hour(t)); Serial.print("Minute: ");Serial.println(minute(t)); Serial.print("Sekunde: ");Serial.println(second(t));*/ if(testmodus==0) { Serial.println("Initialisiere GSM...."); // connection state boolean notConnected = true; // Start GSM connection while(notConnected) { if(gsmAccess.begin(PINNUMBER)==GSM_READY) notConnected = false; else { Serial.println("Not connected"); delay(1000); } } Serial.println("GSM initialized"); Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks from Germany Gilbert
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