Hello, First, about me. I am quite a beginner regarding microcontrollers. My profession is SAP application developer. As a hobby, I am learning embedded linux on a few project boards (gnublin), thereby learning linux and C. I also own an Arduino Duemilanove (ATMEGA328) for educational purposes, an ATMEL "Butterfly" (ATMEGA169), also for educational purposes. I have ordered the new raspberry pi, but am still waiting for delivery. I have installed Atmel Studio 6 on my Win7 Laptop and am currently using it with the built-in device simulator to run assembler test code from a text book on programming tactics for AVR-microcontrollers. My first embedded linux project is completed (home automation low cost web server - turning household appliances on and off via WWW). My second embedded linux project is currently in progress (measure power generated by my 6 KW-peak photovoltaic array and upload the data to my laptop Excel spreadsheet automatically at regular intervals via wlan). My problem: the company which produced my photovoltaic array has gone bankrupt. A feature of the array includes a datalogger which measures the generated power and reports it via cell-phone to a web site. Since the company is bankrupt, the datalogger has become useless. It consists primarily of a board with an ATMEGA128 16AU 0820 chip from Atmel, a cell-phone chip card, and a GE864-QUAD GPRS Module from Telit, and has a 6-pin ISP connector. My intention: I remember, years ago while learning x86 assembler I could reverse engineer Windows binaries with tools like WinICE and W32dasm. I would like to download the binary from the ATMEGA128, then reverse engineer it, then rewrite/modify it for my own use. Since I have not found any binary extraction facitity in Atmel Studio 6, I have installed WinAVR/AVRDUDE/AVRDUDE-Gui on my WinXP desktop, mounted the datalogger to a breadboard and wired up an RS-232 interface ( http://elm-chan.org/works/avrx/avrx_com.png , but TDX0/RDX0 instead of MISO/MOSI)to the ISP connector. When trying to download flash or EEPROM binaries from the ATMEGA128, I get errors like "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" "avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51" when I connect with programmer type "avrisp" and much less usefully errors when connecting with other programmer types. My question: Is my intention reasonably feasible, or am I just wasting my time? In other words, is it worth bothering to find out what I am doing wrong while connecting to the ATMEGA128, or is it simply not reasonably possible to reverse engineer as intended ( I have no CIA resources to help me)? I have not yet tried flashing the chip, since I don't want to destroy the current programming which still appears to work, because I recognize the LED sequences which flash when board powers up ( I had watched the service guy when he originally installed the unit and set it up for hourly transmisstions). Thanks in advance for expert advice. Kind regards, mgleep
Hey, thanks for the overwhelming number of constructive and helpfull responses! In the meantime, I have built the Aquaticus AVR JTAG interface onto the breadboard where I already had the target board connected, identified the JTAG pins of the ATMega128 in the target board, and have connected them to the AVR JTAG interface. Using the JTAG interface, I have been able to successfully connect to the target board and have downloaded the FLASH and EEPROM data. I am currently working on decompiling the hex data. Great help! Thanks. luser
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